Friday, January 15, 2021

Global COVID-19 Coronavirus Death Toll Is Now Over 2 Million

SKY News: COVID-19: Global coronavirus deaths pass two million - just over a year since outbreak began 

Deaths have mounted as the virus spread around the world - but a number of vaccines now offer real hope of saving many lives. 

Global deaths linked to coronavirus have passed two million - just over a year since it was first identified in China. 

The US has recorded the highest number at over 389,000 - and more than 23 million cases, according to figures from Johns Hopkins University. 

Brazil - where several new variants have recently been identified - is second with over 207,000 deaths. 

India and Mexico are next, with roughly 152,000 and 137,000 respectively. 

 More News On The Global COVID-19 Coronavirus Death Toll Being Over 2 Million 


Anonymous said...

Thanks, China
Thanks, Xi
Thanks, XCP

Oh by the way, hope you don't mind the nukes we'll be sending, free of charge of course. A present coming from the heart for your years of good friendship

B.Poster said...

The US and Western Europe have the largest "hot spots" or so it seems. Why is this so? While I can't speak for Western Europe, in the US it is perhaps because we place an emphasis on testing that errs on the side of false positives and have stoked such fear in the populace that the moment we have ANY symptom at all we rush to one of the many rapid testing centers that are now practically on every street corner to get tested with one of these tests. Essentially we are getting ALLOT OF false positives. Add in the financial incentives in the system to increase both hospitalizations and deaths due to COVID-19 and this should come as no surprise. Essentially visit a doctor and basic treatments are often withheld until the patient is so sick they have to be hospitalized. Once can get the treatments they need but it can require doctor shopping as not many want to run afoul of the "experts" and risk license revoking. The pandemic is bad enough without such shenanigans on the part of the government and healthcare professionals!!

Anon (3:06),

I share much of your sentiments. China has not exactly been forthcoming about this. This needs to change. With that said remember China did not order the "lockdowns" that have ravaged our economy, caused and exacerbated mental illness, and led to bitter poverty among other things. Remember poverty equals illness and death. Until we an get our government to cease in its war against us its going to be hard to get fired up to confront China or to even muster the resources to do so assuming we wanted to.

If we look at the map, many countries besides the US have not done "well" at containing this yet it seems Trump is the only one who faces any criticism in how this is being handled. The way this has been handled from the beginning has made it impossible for Trump to do any better assuming one could do better.

As the editor recently pointed out, Germany is now having more deaths per million than the US is. Of course this could change. It's important not to get cocky when dealing with this disease. It is very dangerous for many and can be for almost anyone. I remember when Western European leaders were raking us and president Trump over the proverbial coals at how were/are handling this. Now they are being hit just as hard and perhaps harder than we are.

Anonymous said...

Here is what the nobel prize winner and inventor of the PCR test had to say about Fauci
PS Dr. Mullis died just before the pandemic started. But he did say ON RECORD not to use his test for the detection of viruses, and predicted it would lead to false positives when used in this manner. DOUBLE so when too high cycle thresholds are used. How the fck does the media not report on this, WHILE OUR ECONOMIES CRUMBLE AND FAUCI HAS CONFLICT OF INTEREST@patents
this must end. Fauci needs to resign