Wednesday, January 20, 2021

How Many People Attended President Biden's Inauguration?

WNU Editor: About 2,000 invited guests. A few hundred media. And about 25,000+ National Guard, FBI, Secret Service, Capital Police, and other security forces.


RussInSoCal said...

The Biden inaug looked like something out of mid-80's Romania.

Anonymous said...

The bias here is a joke.

Ron said...

And I ask all those beauty queens to not throw themselves at me

Anonymous said...

Why erase the proof of your win?

Dominion voting machines have been wiped. The FBI oversaw the shredding of ballots.

A murderer will toss a murder weapon into a river or lake.

A Democrat will wipe voting machines and shred ballots.

RussInSoCal said...

It's doubtful that the Biden inaug could attract any number of people any greater than their pathetic rallies. Save for the praetorian guard, there was no one there.

/so let's plant thousands of American flags and pretend they represent actual attendees.

They are illegitimate and they know it.

Anonymous said...

Leaders of praetorian guards use to make and unmake emperors.

If I were Bite Me or Little Boots, I would be worried about the Brennans and Comeys of the world.

The new emperor was always proclaimed by the Praetorians before being ratified by the Senate .


Anonymous said...

Here is some more of that famous healing and unity talk!

Anonymous said...

Democrats have been working ion unity before Trump was ever elected.

"Bitter Clingers" - Obama pre 2016

"Basket full of Deplorables" - Hillary 2016

2:01, Heaven or Hell I hope you end up, wherever Hillary ends up.

Anonymous said...

You'll never get your country back,if you let this election theft go through


Anonymous said...

"“I would never say this,” Biden once snapped at an aide, aghast over the prepared remarks he was reviewing, according to a person in the room during a speech prep session last year. “Where did you get this from?’”

The aide explained that Biden had just said it in a public speech a couple of weeks earlier."

- Politico

Now that the election is over, the MSM can tell the truth.

Anonymous said...

Bill Clinton Caught Sleeping During Joe Biden’s Sermon

Anonymous said...

I just have to laugh at your intellectual dishonesty. You poor souls, get ready for accountability you sore fucking losers.

Anonymous said...

More your famous healing I see. We're ready are you?

Anonymous said...

To 2:49




Roll over STASI

Anonymous said...

Reacting to the inauguration, Rush Limbaugh suggests Biden had “not legitimately won it”
Newsmax reacts to President Biden's call for unity by calling his inaugural speech “dark” and “divisive”
OAN continues to push election conspiracies: “It seems possible” Biden “wasn't actually elected by the people”
Ahead of the inauguration, extremists have been circulating calls for violence on TikTok
Fox Business guest spins conspiracy theory about the 2020 election, falsely claims 80 million people voted for Trump

Anonymous said...

RussInSoCal said...

Make your threats somewhere else, commie.

Anonymous said...

Oooooh, a tough guy at 2:49

Anonymous said...

3:15 This is on point. The evil inside these people is astonishing.

Anonymous said...

The evil inside die hard Democrat is astonishing as is their lack of being in touch with reality.

China Joe is president and for the past week the local radio and TV stations no longer give us a COVID death count of nursing home residents.

Anonymous said...

Some wet behind the ears kid is wearing Fred's name.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Russin so cal.

What do you mean no one attended? It looks like Romania?

There were at least 25,000 National Guard members attending from many states, all races, creeds and colors!

Of course Joe and the corrupt Dems had to pay them to show up or none would have been there.

The Romanian parade would ha

Anonymous said...

The tough guy is back!

Anonymous said...

lul libtards pwned, lets just forget theres a pandemic going on right now and that the extra security is because of the gravy seals breaking into the capital two weeks ago

Anonymous said...

Who's going to do the accounting?

Anonymous said...

3:52 Seriously, its unfortunate we have to have the conversation. Although it should be expected - same argument to start Trumps presidency as well. These people will hold on to their false, stupid arguments for nothing. Spouting hatred and bleating of unity when called out. Their arguments are just as bankrupt as the NRA.

Anonymous said...

Says the secular madrassa graduate.

PAnon said...

‘It’s Over’: Devastated QAnon Believers Grapple With President Joe Biden’s Inauguration

PAnon said...

big enough crowds showed up to vote for Biden and far more than voted for is that for crowd counting?

Anonymous said...

The NY AG is bankrupt.

The NRA is being purged. It is moving to Texas and the liberals are being expelled. I was warned 4 decades ago that Wayne was bad news. My father sad once Wayne had the exec job at a non-profit, he would never, ever leave. Old Man was right.

The NY AG is jumping in as an opportunist not to fix governance, but to kill the organization.

Now, younger generation eschews the NRA for new gun rights groups. It is like when you stupid fuckers fixate on Fox News and think if you can just get that out of the way, you will be in utopia,. You're a damn fool.

If your gal, the NY AG, started talking about how melanin makes you smarter like Joe's DOJ Civil Rights pick, do not be surprised. She is your gal and you own her. Give it 3 or 4 years She will go there or support those that do.

Anonymous said...


Software is not a person. But illegally programmed software can run up vote totals.

Anonymous said...

Clerky we all know why the seething masses couldn't be there. This is just like the summer riots, you just can't get around them, but keep wriggling!

Anonymous said...

It's not over clerky.

Clerky said...

Clerky know who won. Clerky knows who lost. Clerky knows who has left for Florida. Clerky knows he would like to see both sides work for the good of America. And if that is not for you, so be it. Chew your nether lip

Anonymous said...

Clerky you've forgot. How's that bed you yourself made? Hahahahaha!

Anonymous said...

Clerky Clerk has no problem with people wiping voting machines to erase evidence.

Clerky CLerk has no problem with FBI shredding ballots.

Kungflu said...

White House canceled the live stream today because they had all thumbs down.

Anonymous said...

King FLu.

How is that possible? 30% to 40% of voters voted for Joe. Not because the like the old coot, but because they do it by rote, because there is a D behind the name. And because they want what they want and the Dems promise to give it to them.

Judging from past feeds joe would get a few hundred to 1,000 viewers. Maybe a lot of those were fawning press.

Maybe the fawning press like the police3s, but they are not jazzed about their standard bearer.

So long as they get the transfer payments exec orders and legislation they do not care to watch someone read from TOTUS or other BS.

Anonymous said...

"they like"