Sunday, January 3, 2021

Is The Royal Navy's Newest Aircraft Carrier HMS Prince of Wales A Lemon?

Britain's newest aircraft carrier the HMS Prince of Wales has spent just 87 days at sea during its first two years in service, it has been revealed

 * The HMS Prince of Wales has spent a third of the time her sister ship has at sea 
 * Vessel is now stranded in Portsmouth harbour after two leaks in five months 
 * It has been banned from setting sail from its home port on safety grounds 

Britain's newest aircraft carrier the HMS Prince of Wales spent just 87 days at sea during its first two years in service, it has been revealed. 

The vessel will now be stranded in Portsmouth until May next year after flooding wrecked the vessel's vital electrical systems last month. 

It has been banned from setting sail from its home port on safety grounds after thousands of gallons of sea water poured into the engine room for more than 24 hours in early December. 

Read more .... 

WNU Editor: Only 87 days at sea during its first two years in service. And now it is banned from setting sail from its home port on safety grounds!!!!! The UK Navy has a problem.


Anonymous said...


The real life Prince of Wales, Charles, is a lemon and an adulterous cad.

RussInSoCal said...

The ship is emblematic of the country itself. The UK invented self-loathing "wokeness" well before the term was coined. Run by a cabal of hardcore leftists and Marxists. Neo-liberalism run wild.

A military and an economy run by a government which doesn't understand how either works or their primary purpose - a society that abhors winners and losers - a Defense industry which assigns contracts based on skin color and political views is doomed to create failure at a huge cost.

What a shame.

copley7 said...

They could have chosen a better name, a ship with distinction that didn't get sunk. Prince of Wales got wrecked by the Bismarck and sunk by Japanese torpedo bombers off of Singapore.

How about a name with a little more success to its credit like HMS Victorious. Helped chase the Bismarck, was involved in sinking the Tirpitz, was at the North Africa invasion, escorted convoys to Murmansk, Supported the invasion of Okinawa, her planes bombed Japan, and she put a IJN aircraft carrier out of action. She even spent time working for the USA! she provided critical air cover for the landings at New Georgia of the Solomon Islands during Operation Cartwheel! A ship with prestige.

UK is another liberal wasteland.