Tuesday, January 12, 2021

Is A U.S. Withdrawal From Afghanistan Against Chinese Interests?

Ethnic Uighur fighters fly their flag in a file photo. Image: Facebook 

US troop drawdown may revive East Turkestan Islamic Movement and its dormant Uighur insurgency in Xinjiang 

PESHAWAR – America’s troop withdrawal from Afghanistan and the Taliban’s possible resumption of at least partial power in Kabul will have far-reaching implications for China and Pakistan, both of which aim to play key roles in the country’s post-war future. 

China has publicly endorsed America’s plan, which will see 2,500 of 4,500 troops withdrawn by mid-January and all soldiers by mid-year, but has cautioned that an unorganized US departure could open the way for militants to re-establish Afghanistan as a regional hotbed of Islamic terror. 

Last November, Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesman Zhao Lijian urged the US to withdraw its troops from Afghanistan in an “orderly and responsible” manner. 

That official comment spoke to Chinese concerns that Afghanistan, which shares a land border with China’s restive Xinjiang province, could in particular become a breeding ground for Uighur Muslim militants. 

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WNU Editor: China is a close ally to Pakistan, and it is Pakistan's madrassas and safe sanctuaries that fuel the ongoing war in Afghanistan. You reap what you sow, and for China there is a very good chance that they may face their own Islamic insurgency in the future from the safe havens in Afghanistan and elsewhere in Central Asia.


Anonymous said...

"China is a close ally to Pakistan"

Can country (Pakistan) be a close ally of two competing powers?

Anonymous said...

So, if Pakistan is a close Chinese ally and a not so good one to America, WTF are we paying them over a billion dollars a year plus almost another billion in trucking fees to supply our troops>?

Anonymous said...

America bleeds treasure and gold. China reaps a more secure western border and put is saving in the bank, while castigating us and challenging us elsewhere.

Why are we in Afghanistan again?

Tasman Gleeson said...

It was because of September 11 terrorist attack by Obama Bin fucker. America attacked Afganistan got rid of the Taliban but they kept coming back had the upper hand left Afganistan leavening some troops Taliban comes back oh God still there Yeah Why is America still in Afghanistan they should have taken Tehran by now remember they where apart of the axis of evil hang on thats China now fuck shit is going to hit the fan WW3 around the corner and America will probably still be in Afganistan.