Sunday, January 3, 2021

Israel Continues To Lead The Global Race To Vaccinate Its Population Against The Covid-19 Coronavirus

Axios: Israel leads world in coronavirus vaccinations: Over 1M receive doses 

Israel has administered more COVID-19 vaccinations than any other nation, with over 1 million people receiving jabs — a rate of 12.59 doses per 100 people, new data from an Oxford University-run tracking site shows. 

 Why it matters: As countries like the U.S. fall behind on immunization goals, Israel has given coronavirus doses to over 10% of its population of 9.2 million since it began administering Pfizer/BioNTech's vaccine on Dec. 19. 

WNU Editor: The Israelis are very ambitious .... Israel Plans 2 Million Vaccinated by End of January (VOA). But for the Palestinians in the West Bank, they are not the priority .... Palestinians excluded from Israeli Covid vaccine rollout as jabs go to settlers (The Guardian). 

There is also this problem .... Israel will RUN OUT of Pfizer vaccine doses (Daily Mail). 

 More News On Israel's Covid-19 Coronavirus Vaccination Efforts 


Anonymous said...

I would not put it past the Palestinians to blow up a medical team vaccinating Muslims. So why start there?

So why is the US ahead of those lovely socialists avant garde leaders like Germany, France and the Nordic countries?

Phil Connors said...

1. we are far behind where we were to be. Very far.
2. Israel giving the vaccine to settlers in the west bank but not to Palestinians. They were supposed to be responsible for occupied areas.

hk said...

The guardian headline is so misleading .
ALL Israeli citizens can get the vaccine if they are 60 or older.

“The settlers” are Israeli citizens. And so are the almost 2 million arab-Israelis. 100% same opportunity.

Palestinians nearby are ruled by a different government body for a supposedly functioning future state. Israelis aren’t giving vaccines to the Syrians either!

The Reb said...

Let’s start from the end: Israel has a legal and humanitarian duty toward the Palestinians in the West Bank, Gaza Strip and East Jerusalem – as an occupying power that has imposed a years-long blockade of Gaza, and as the party that controls all aspects of life in the occupied territories through control of checkpoints, natural resources, determinants of health and more.

Tales of Palestinian autonomy and an independent state in the framework of the Oslo Accords evaporate whenever an Israeli army jeep enters Ramallah or Jenin at will, whenever Israeli soldiers invade the homes of Palestinians in Al-Mughayyir and forcibly remove minors from their houses, and whenever a sick person, a man, woman, child or senior citizen, waits for an Israeli permit to travel to a Palestinian hospital in the West Bank or East Jerusalem for medical treatment.

Anonymous said...

The Fakestinians are given generous amounts of money by the UN, US and Europeans. Last time I checked Fakestinans had 2 hands and a brain. They could easily be0ocme the next Singapore.

And "Mr. I know Who You are", when the Israelis evacuate an area like Bethlehem the Fakestinians d what they do best. They persecute.

Israel Hands Over Bethlehem
August 19, 2002

BETHLEHEM, West Bank (AP) _ Israel began withdrawing from Bethelehem, ending its patrols there, as part of an agreement to hand over the West Bank town to Palestinian security control, Israel Radio said.

How Yasir Arafat Drove Christians from Bethlehem

Reuters Blames Israel for Plight of Gaza Christians, Ignores Hamas Persecution

Bethlehem’s Beleaguered Christians

Now Phil go write another book about poetry. I mean plagiarize another book.

Anonymous said...

Now Fred Lapides or a troll pretending to be Fred is calling himself

Phil Connors

The Reb


hk said...

Let’s start from reality:

Do you live here? I do. Ever been to Hussan or any of the other PA cities in the West Bank?

There is zero chance you could write that if you lived here.

When was the last time you were here? This way we can discuss what is actually happening on the ground.

Your mushing together the WB and Gaza shows just how little you know about things here in real life

hk said...

P.S. The people calling Fred names are annoying and don’t contribute anything. Please stop, thanks.

We aren’t in high school.

Anonymous said...


No one called Fred a name. Prove otherwise.

Ron said...

Those areas are administered under the sovereignty of the Palestinian Authority.

Should Israeli also wipe the butt of every baby there.

Settlers are provided services by the Israeli Ministry of Health.

Anonymous said...

hk is probably fred.

Anonymous said...

It's the Lapides "sock puppet parade". He and his little band can't even lie very well.

Anonymous said...

When you look at the "hk" profile you get the following screen

Profile Not Available
The Blogger Profile you requested cannot be displayed. Many Blogger users have not yet elected to publicly share their Profile.

If you're a Blogger user, we encourage you to enable access to your Profile.

Whatever Fred or the person pretending to be Fred is, we can assume if goes further than the normal give and take of opinions and debate. It is engaged in informational warfare.

For the records I have visited 3 of the top 6 Israeli cities. We have no idea of how many "I once shook the hand Simon Wiesenthal" has visited.

Anonymous said...

Fred found out. Fred called out. Fred bugged out.

Anonymous said...

But but but Fred has Simon's picture on his fireplace mantel, lololololololo!

Anonymous said...

Bugout | Definition of Bugout at

Military Slang. a hasty retreat from combat, especially in defiance of orders. Slang. a person who absents himself or herself from duties or obligations.

According to military historian AL Nofi, bugging out was the term for running away used during the Korean War.

Anonymous said...

Attested 1950, popularized in the Korean War (1950–53) in such phrases as “bug-out fever” (rout) and “the big bug out” (November/December 1950 retreat) and entered civilian slang by mid 1950s.[1] Likely originated in World War II, perhaps based on 1930s cartoons featuring bugs fleeing an impending foot or boot.[2] Ultimately based on the rapid, disorderly flight of bugs when discovered, particularly their scattering if several are discovered at once, such as under a rock or can. Compare chicken out.

Now tell us about your heroic military service Mr hero

Anonymous said...

Oooooh, the fighting patch cord ranger is angry! Watch out clerky's blood is up.

Kungflu said...

Lol the size of New Jersey. How accomplished

hk said...

Dear idiots,

I’m not Fred. I live in Israel. I’m pretty sure he lives in America.

He’s very liberal. I am a conservative.

WNU editor - the comment section continues to be the worst part of your blog.

But hey, getting back to the real word, “The Reb” went MIA because it’s hard to debate someone about what’s going on in a place that they live but you don’t . Smart move to avoid a debate you’ll lose, but next time let me educate you! Knowledge is your friend!

hk said...

From Jerusalrm Post: this is a total lie....

Anonymous said...

Fred is purportedly Fred Lapides although I have more and more doubts over the last 3 months. It is possible that poster called Fred could be the real Fred. It is hard to imagine a person that ignorant, but I just read an article about an Ashville, North Carolina synagogue filled with people exactly that stupid.

HK at 3:51 PM you posted:

"P.S. The people calling Fred names are annoying and don’t contribute anything. Please stop, thanks."

Now read above that and tell us where Fred was called a name? Use quotes