Friday, January 8, 2021

Joe Biden's Coronavirus Task Force Is Now Warning That There May Be A Number Of Dangerous Strains Of The Covid-19 Coronavirus Now Spreading Across The U.S.

The U.S. on Thursday broke five new pandemic records, including the seven-day average in daily cases, hospitalizations deaths 

Despite scientists' insistence that mutated strains of the original SARS-CoV-2 virus had little significance, so-called "variants" discovered in the UK and South Africa have been found to be more infectious than the original. 

And while vaccine makers insist that their jabs will be just as effective against these hyper-infectious strains, the reality is there isn't much data to comfortably back up these assertions. 

And while the world waits to see just how effective the various coronavirus vaccines will be in practice, members of Joe Biden's coronavirus task force have warned that dangerous mutant strains that have yet to be isolated might already be spreading across the US. 

Read more .... 

WNU Editor: I do not know if dangerous mutant strains that have yet to be isolated might already be spreading across the US. But I do know that the infection and death rates have sky-rocketed in the past few weeks .... Covid-19 Coronavirus Pandemic In The U.S. -- News Updates January 8, 2021.


Anonymous said...

"But I do know that the infection and death rates have sky-rocketed in the past few weeks .... "

It is called winter and cold dry weather.

Stephen Davenport said...

Going with the usual panic porn again

B.Poster said...

Dying with COVID-19 and dying of it are different things. Many of those who die with the disease had co-morbidities that would have taken them within a year anyway. Also, we have to deal with hypersensitive tests that often err on the side of false positives as well as financial incentives to record positive COVID-19 cases and to classify deaths as COVID-19.

When POTUS stated that COVID-19 deaths are overstated he was/is correct. Unfortunately he lacks the bully pulpit that men like Fauci have which makes it hard to counteract Fauci's false narratives.

With that said this is a VERY serious disease and should NOT be taken lightly abd one should NEVER get cocky with it. I'm my workplace we are taking extreme precautions and, since I live with people who are among the group most at risk, I'm limiting my contacts and taking extreme precautions. If I were to be accused of not taking this virus seriously enough at the start, I'd have to plead guilty as charged.

I will reiterate what I've stated here before. At some point we are all probably going to get this virus. Now that we have a vaccine IF we can get it distributed AND it works perhaps this doesn't have to be the case.

Finally, I'm not going to call it "fear porn" right now. Perhaps a better term is "false narratives" and they aren't helpful. I personally know some people who have become very sick from this and nearly died. Friends of friends have lost loved ones. This is very serious. On such situations overstating the threat and inflating the numbers is not helpful. It actually has the opposite effect. It overwhelms the senses and causes people to let their guard down. The lockdowns were among the stupidest things ever done. Not only did they do absolutely NOTHING to contain the virus they forced people indoors among their closest associates where the virus spread most easily. To make matters worse it handed China an unearned victory on a gold platter. Unforced error on our part.

Is Fauci a malicious evil man? Perhaps he's ideologically blind or maybe he's an idiot? Perhaps this can be answered someday.

Anonymous said...

It is panic porn.

The CDC changed the definition to increase the case count. If they used the definition that they use for influenza the count for cases and deaths would be much lower.

It has been pointed out that a miracle occurred in 2020. We cured the flu. Hardly anyone is dying of flu anymore.

A person can have several diseases at once. I think COVID could theoretically crowd out influenza. A person could be exposed to influenza and COVID on the same day and subsequently have infections of both. Until the immune system ramps up or COVID out competes influenza in taking over cells, I do not see how COVID could prevent a person from also catching influenza.

The CDC does not test people for more than one disease. How would they know what he Hell is going on? I do know that back in his college days Fauci was book smart. Other than that I do not know if he still is smarter than the average bear. Maybe he has some CEUs. 2/3rds of the time those are gimme's. I seriously wonder if Fauci knows how to design an experiment. The field is rife with engineers do not. Because he is a medical doctor a scientists we are to assume that he does?

A way to be more sure is to conduct an assay of tests for a number of pathogens. A survey.
I am not aware that they have done,. this. Maybe they have and the news people have not caught on or think it was unimportant to report.

Stephen Davenport said...

WNU , I like you a lot but this is pure panic porn sir. We are getting vague numbers given by the same people willing to crap on the constitution for power. It is the same exact people that will not place blame on China and push the Climate Change BS. While bad the China Flu is not an human extinction event. Not even close. Please stop with the fear mongering.

CatholicDragoon said...

'4,000 Americans are now dying from this disease everyday, and the trend lines are getting worse.
This is not panic porn.'

The hospitalization rate is about the same as previous years, the survival rate is over 90%, the average age of those who do die is 82 the vast majority of which had preexisting conditions, many people are being told they tested positive even though they were never tested, and the annual flu season seems to have disappeared.

Also the Tik tok nurses in middle of all this along with the constant lying and misrepresentation has destroyed all credibility the industry had with me. They could say that 10,000 people are dying a day and my response would be "OK fine, now f*ck off and leave me alone." I fundamentally don't care anymore.

B.Poster said...

"The annual flu season seems to have disappeared..." we've noticed this too in our area north of Houston TX. While hospital systems in our area are reporting more patients, doctors are testing em and "test positive," Then send em home with no antivirals or anything where they either get well or go to the hospital. If you want proactive treatment you have to doctor shop. This doesn't make sense unless the goal actually is to drive up hospitalizations. Since there's huge money in this, I wouldn't rule this out. Not going to call it "fear porn" but "systemic irregularities in reporting about a very serious disease."