Friday, January 8, 2021

Medical Experts Predict U.S. Covid-19 Coronavirus Deaths In 2021


To date, the United States has witnessed more than 356,000 deaths over the past eleven months of the pandemic—by far the highest total for any country worldwide. 

Here is what 15 medical experts told us what could come next. 

With nearly 78,000 deaths, December was the deadliest month of the ongoing coronavirus pandemic in the United States. 

How will January fare? 

It appears that more misery is in the offing as the nation’s top health officials have warned that even more people will likely die this month despite vaccine campaigns ramping up in many states. 

To date, the United States has witnessed more than 356,000 deaths over the past eleven months of the pandemic—by far the highest total for any country worldwide. 

WNU Editor: If these predictions and trends hold there is a very real possibility that when this is over,  almost one million Americans would have died from this disease. Less than the 2.2 million that were projected in March 2020 when the pandemic started to spread, but still a horrifying number. 

One more note. 

No one is talking about it. But as much as the incoming Biden administration are saying that they are going to manage the handling of the pandemic better than the Trump administration. There is a very good possibility that from the day that Joe Biden is inaugurated on January 20 as President, to when this pandemic is finally over, more Americans would have died from this disease under his watch than President Trump's. And if reports that the South African variant is resistant to the current batch of vaccines continue to be true .... COVID vaccines "might not" work as well on South African strain, scientists warn (CBS News) .... significantly so.


Anonymous said...

Panic Porn. The babushka wears the pants in the family.

South Africa’s HIV prevalence estimated at 13 percent: survey


How typical is south Africa to Europe, Russia or the US?

A acquaintance said in their neck of the woods, they knew of 4 people, who died of COVID. Three were elderly. One was a middle aged woman. That is the only one that concerns me. I am older than that person. I wonder if weight played a role om that case. Weight and pre-diabetes has to mean something about blood chemistry or it is a meaningless label.

If I had HIV and were taking AIDS drugs, I would be concerned.

But remember close the churches, because it may spread there (really it is cover for we hate Christians) and keep the bath houses open.

Anonymous said...

South Africa’s HIV prevalence estimated at 13 percent: survey

-July 9, 2020

Anonymous said...

But of course, editor
lousy leadership and Thanksgiving and Xmas and so virus spread and hospitals overworked etc. and by the time vaccine fully distributed many more deaths! and you blame Biden? That is plain dumb on your part
Like the economy, when it was good under Trump you never looked back to credit Obama for ridding the recession. Now you want to look ahead and blame Biden for Trump's mess...not at all fair on your part

Anonymous said...

It noted that an estimated 18.7 percent of the population aged between 15-49 is HIV positive

"The country has now met the first of the 90-90-90 targets set by the UN, with 90 percent of people living with HIV aware of their status."

But I bet they are going to have continued sex anyway.

Spin the wheel

1 in 5 has HIV

Spin the wheel

One of the 2 major difference between South Africans and Americans is dry sex. Many South African men like dry sex. No word, if the woman want it, enjoy it or just put up with it.
Dry sex is really good at tearing mucosal lining and allowing fluids to mix and enter the body.

The other bid difference is when South Africans and Americans have sex with the lifetime average of 7 partners. Americans tend to have them more serially. A South Africans tend to have them more concurrently and with viremia this makes it deadlier.

If you have HIV, your white blood cells are decimated, COVID is going to run riot.

Anonymous said...

4:54 aka Fred

Does Fred know that South Dakota and North Dakota have the same prevalence of COVID? They are very similar in geography and population. One has a mask mandate and one does not. So do masks work?

New York and Florida are very different. According to Fred Cuomo is dong it right and DeSantis is doing it wrong. Florida has more old people and more old people by percentage. It has a lower COVID death rate.

So obviously Florida is doing it right and Democrat New York is doing it wrong.

Florida has an economy. New York no longer has one.

Cause and effect and percentages means nothing to a person, who eschews them.

Anonymous said...

Aw clerky's worried about fairness. Clerky's sad, maybe clerky can join big mouth and share their sadness!

Anonymous said...

Spread of HIV 'aided by practice of dry sex'

Anonymous said...

It is no accident that COVID was fruitful and multiplied in South Africa. There is very little law there leading to poverty and a very high rate of STI's in general.

They need to seize a few more farms, discourage investment and increase the brain drain. That'll do the trick.

Russian being smart got some of those South African farmers. Moscow got richer. South Africa got poorer.

Jac said...

Easy prediction: Trump inheritance.

CatholicDragoon said...

It's just an excuse to keep all the petty tyrants in power.