Friday, January 29, 2021

Mexico Overtakes India To Have The World’s Third Most Covid Deaths


 * Data from John Hopkins University shows Mexico moved past India on Thursday as the country with the third-highest COVID-19 death toll with 155,145 deaths 
 * Mexico on Thursday reported 1,505 newly confirmed coronavirus deaths 
 * The country has registered 1,825,519 million confirmed cases 
 * A study published by Australia's Lowy Institute found placed Mexico as the second-worst country in response to its handling of the pandemic 

Mexico has surpassed India as the country with the world's third-highest death toll after nearly a year of the country's president downplaying the virus - which he contracted himself earlier this month. 

And data researchers say the death figures could actually be much higher because of the country's low rate of testing. 

Mexico logged 155,145 confirmed deaths as of Thursday, according to data from John Hopkins University. 

Read more .... 

WNU Editor: Everyone knows that the numbers are much higher. Mexico is known to have a low rate of testing.

 More News On Mexico Overtaking India To Have The World’s Third Most Covid Deaths 

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

The best part is this:

Fauci has financial ties, together with the FDA on coronavirus patents including detection etc

Fauci,together with others from the US in the Obama administration, funded the Wuhan lab with 2mn

Fauci is also THE highest paid government official. Yes, a few thousand higher than the US president.

It's unbelievable. The population is at sleep while the ruling class, from America to China, decide to enslave you.

Instead of a war between China and the US they decided that it's more convenient and safer for them to have the war on -you- instead.

After all, WE ALL were a bit too nosy and asked too many questions about Epstein,the many billionaires and royalties intimately connected to him and his pedo island. Like bill Clinton. Like bill Gates. There were a lot on that list. The very same ones accused of many crimes.

Well,so it's war. And as DJT said, you either stand up or you'll never get your country back.

Wealth transfer to the elite from the middle class over the last 5-6 decades is estimated to be 50 trillion.

Under the cover of trade war between China and the US

Under the cover of patent theft. Yes China stole patents and got away with it, BUT the profit was shared between the ruling class in both nations. While small to medium sized companies were crushed. China is just like the US: a corporate owned state equipped with a massive army,willing to do unspeakable things to you and me.

Now they even put vaccines in you, monitor your every move, censor you. Tell you you must watch CNN and nothing else except what they say is OK

We will not get out of this without a fight. That much should be clear by now.

Good luck, everyone.
Get organised.