Sunday, January 24, 2021

New U.S. CDC Director Admits That The U.S. 'Doesn't Have Enough Vaccine Doses As We'd Like'. Biden Administration Blames Trump For This Situation

New CDC Director Dr. Rochelle Walensky spoke about the COVID-19 vaccine supply crunch on Fox News Sunday saying: 'We don't have as many doses as we would like now for states like New York, for other states claiming to have run out of the vaccine' 

 * New CDC Director Dr. Rochelle Walensky admitted Sunday that the government doesn't have enough vaccine doses for states in need
 * She says the government doesn't know how much vaccine they currently have after inheriting the public health crisis from the Trump administration 
 * 'We don't have as many doses as we'd like now for states like New York, for other states claiming to have run out of the vaccine,' she said on Fox News Sunday 
 * She estimates the production will scale up dramatically by the end of March
 * Over the weekend Gov. Cuomo said New York was running out of the vaccine 
 * Georgia's Gov. Brian Kemp also asked for more doses to keep up with demand 
 * On Sunday the US surpassed the grim milestone of 25million COVID-19 cases and more than 417,900 deaths since the start of the pandemic 

The new director of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention admitted Sunday that the US doesn’t have enough COVID-19 vaccines to meet states' needs, even as New York and Georgia desperately plead for more doses to inoculate their populations. 

'We don't have as many doses as we would like now for states like New York, for other states claiming to have run out of the vaccine,' Dr. Rochelle Walensky said on Fox News Sunday. 

Read more .... 

WNU Editor: Here are the facts when it comes to vaccine distribution in the U.S. .... U.S. CDC says 41.4 million doses of COVID-19 vaccines distributed, 20.5 million administered (Reuters). That is a lot of vaccines administered, and a lot of vaccines not used (probably put aside to guarantee a second dose after three weeks). 

As to wanting more vaccines. Welcome to the real world. Everyone in the world wants them, and every expert I know who understands how this is done (my own brother included), tells me it takes time to make it happen.

In the meantime White House Chief of Staff Ron Klain is accusing the former Trump administration of not having a vaccine plan (see video below), contradicting the head of the Biden vaccine program (Dr. Fauci) who says that there was and is one. 

So why is the Biden White House pushing this messaging? 

After making a lot of promises during and after the election the US response to this pandemic is now their responsibility. But after proposing essentially the same vaccination program that the Trump administration started .... President Biden Announces His Covid-19 Plan (January 21, 2021), and with death projections continuing to increase at an alarming rate .... President Biden Warns The U.S. Faces More Than 600,000 COVID Deaths (January 23, 2021), there are now making the political calculations on how much this is going to hurt them. 

And then there is this nightmare scenario that if it does happen will derail everything that they have promised .... Will Highly Infectious 'Super-Covid' Variants Result In The Pandemic Being With Us For Years (Even With Vaccines)? (January 21, 2021). 

We are seeing an administration doing classic CYA (cover your ass), who are positioning themselves to blame someone else when it all goes wrong, but be ready to take credit if everything turns out alright.



Anonymous said...

70 million Americans over the age of 65, half of which should be vaccinated by now. Imagine these people trying to figure out life raft seating on the Titanic...

RussInSoCal said...

We’re in for four years of “Buck stopped with Trump”.

Anonymous said...

If you were not so stupid and read now and then, you would know this, dummy

WASHINGTON — Before Pfizer’s coronavirus vaccine was proved highly successful in clinical trials last month, the company offered the Trump administration the chance to lock in supplies beyond the 100 million doses the pharmaceutical maker agreed to sell the government as part of a $1.95 billion deal over the summer.

But the administration, according to people familiar with the talks, never made the deal, a choice that now raises questions about whether the United States allowed other countries to take its place in line.

Anonymous said...

Any bets on if 6:48 is Lapides?

Pfizer is not the only vaccine maker. There is also Moderna.

Oh I'm sorry. I did something bad. I cited a fact. We know how some people feel about facts.

'We choose truth over facts' - Biden August 08, 2019

Some people will taker the Moderna vaccine just because or because they trust it more than the Pfizer (mRNA vaccine). Some people will choose to not take a vaccine like many California nurses have.

Oh, I'm sorry. There I go again citing more facts.

So should we have bough 330 million vaccines up front? Can you make a case without frothing at the mouth?

Anonymous said...

The experts are now coming out from their closets.

Anonymous said...

Many front-line workers refuse Covid vaccines as distribution rollout struggles

"About 50 percent of workers in California’s Riverside County have refused to take the vaccine, along with 60 percent of nursing home staff in Ohio."

Expert? Leave that for others to judge. A good reading of the news of the day? Yes.

It does make sense that many health care workers refuse the vaccine. They figure due to being on the front line in the hospitals that they have already been exposed. Since they are already immune to being exposed, why take an experimental vaccine.

The percentage of people exposed in the Us might agree with their line of thinking. There are vaccine contracted for about 30% of the population. 9% of the pop. had been exposed to COVID by mid summer. So perhaps 20% to 30% have been exposed and now have some immunity to it.

So unless after March Pfizer and Moderna are going to refuse to sell the the USG and there is no private vaccinations, there is no problem.

Of course liberal are suggesting that any vaccine we do have that we knot use. They want to send it to people in other countries.

So why are liberals crying about vaccine contracted or not contracted?