Monday, January 4, 2021

Pentagon Says That Due To Tensions With Iran The Aircraft Carrier USS Nimitz Will Stay In The Middle East

The aircraft carrier USS Nimitz (file photo) 

An extremely tense situation with Iran prompted the Acting Secretary of Defense to order Nimitz to stay in the Middle East for the foreseeable future. 

Just two days after the Acting Secretary of Defense Christopher Miller had ordered the supercarrier, USS Nimitz, to head home as a "de-esclatory" gesture toward Iran, the order has been rescinded and the Nimitz Carrier Strike Group is now set to remain in the Middle East until further notice. 

The carrier had been operating off the coast of Somalia as part of the ongoing operation dubbed "Octave Quartz" aimed at pulling U.S. troops out of that country and redistributing some of them elsewhere in Northern Africa. The ship has been deployed for an arduous ten months, which has been especially challenging due to the ongoing COVID-19 Pandemic. The return to Bremerton, Washington was seemingly overdue, but that is now put on hold in order to counter potential Iranian hostilities, or even possibly take part in an operation against that country should President Donald Trump give the order to execute one. 

Read more .... 

WNU Editor: President Trump is the one who ordered the deployment .... Trump directed Pentagon to reverse decision and keep aircraft carrier in Middle East amid Iran tensions (CNN). 

 More News On The Aircraft Carrier USS Nimitz Staying In The Middle East 

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