Thursday, January 21, 2021

President Biden Announces His Covid-19 Plan

Wednesday marked a year to the day since the first case of the virus was recorded in the United States
The United States recorded its second deadliest day of the COVID-19 pandemic Wednesday with the deaths of 4,409 Americans. 

 * President Joe Biden is signing 10 new executive orders and directives Thursday on tackling COVID   * He already signed an order mandating that masks are worn in federal buildings and one for interstate travel including planes will follow
 * Administration plans to open 100 vaccination centers, plus push vaccines into pharmacies 
 * It is targeting 100 million shots in 100 days - but distribution under Trump's Operation Warp Speed has already been beset by problems 
 * More than 35.9 million doses have been manufactured but just about half - 16.5 million - have been distributed 
 * Defense Production Act will be used to manufacture N95 masks, personal protective equipment, vaccine ingredients and the equipment used to administer them 
 * COVID death toll pass 400,000 on the eve of Biden being sworn in and the CDC is warning of the total reaching more than 500,000 within a month 

President Joe Biden will sign a series of executive orders and take other actions Thursday intended to dramatically expand vaccine production and distribution – to push forward his goal of vaccinating 100 million Americans in his first 100 days in office. 

They came after he signed a federal mask mandate meaning that masks are now compulsory on all federal property. 

A second is set to follow today for all interstate travel including planes, trains and buses. 

The actions and orders are the beginning of an effort to revamp the administration's policy to push out the vaccine, with 400,000 Americans already having succumbed to COVID-19, and new mutations already spreading in the country. 

Read more .... 

WNU Editor: On a positive note, infection numbers in the U.S. have been going down. On a negative note, the projected fatality numbers are going to increase .... CDC predicts COVID-19 will kill another 104,000 Americans in the first 24 days of Biden's presidency with fears the death toll could rise as high as 508,000 by February 13 (Daily Mail). 

As for President Biden's Covid plan. His team knows they must address this crisis because failure would cripple their agenda. And as for the plan itself. Aside from mandating masks in federal buildings and planes, there is really nothing new. PPEs are already being manufactured at an incredible rate as per former President Trump's executive orders. And like President Trump's order to ramp up vaccine production, President Biden's plan will also not solve the problem as quickly as they wish it could be. There is a global demand for billions of doses right now, and this vaccine shortage crisis will only be resolved with time as manufacturers ramp up production. And as for only half of the vaccines being distributed. That is also not a surprise. Many are holding back their supplies to make sure they have enough stock to administer a second dose within 3 to 4 weeks as recommended by the vaccine manufacturers. 

President Biden's executive order also does not address the newest nightmare scenario. The real threat that these new and deadlier Covid-19 variants may be resistant to the current supply of vaccines. 

More News On President Biden's Response To the Covid-19 Pandemic 


Anonymous said...

So far, the easy part; orders from the suits. Time will tell on how it all works out.

Anonymous said...

It's still far more than what Trump was doing, which was nothing other than arguing with his team over a COVID response.

Anonymous said...

Really Troll at 11:43?

So why isJoe doing what Trump already mandated?

If masks were such a panacea, why are the death rates increasing as more wear a mask along with the other panacea social distancing?

If lockdowns were so successful why is Europe a basket case along with California, New York and Illinois? More die per capita there than in FL, TX, Ktisty Noems Dakota whos gone against all lock down measures?

It is a virus and viruses go where they wany, do what they want and constantly mutate. Read a book on the 1918 virus instead of living on Twitter and Facebook hate sites.

Anonymous said...

"the projected fatality numbers are going to increase ..."


It is called entropy. Old people tend to get more cancer, more pneumonia and other disease because of entropy. More old people are made or come of age every day.

That is unless you can turn back the clock or pour resources into to reorder various systems in the body like the immune system.

Hayflick limit

Get over it. People die. That is reality.

The only thing you can do for the time being is to do things right as much as possible to make life expectancy meet life span.

A lot of that is eating right, sleeping right, exercising right and dodging thugs in Democrat run cities.

Break the Hayflick limit and control entropy to some extent and maybe people dying in their 70's, 80's and 90's is cause for alarm.

Anonymous said...

I love Democrats.

They are reopening city hall now that Biden is sworn in.

COVID is still spiking according to the fake graphs.

Anonymous said...

I didn't think someone could be this stupid, but you proved me wrong.

Anonymous said...

"Hans! Bubbie!" (1:14)

Just how big of a beta risk are you willing to accept? 1.00?

Are COVID infections spiking? Yes, it is winter time in the northern hemisphere.

Are there as many infections as the fake graphs that are part of this blogpost show?


"Labs in the United States were using a Ct of 37-40. Epidemiologists interviewed at the time said a Ct of around 30 was probably more appropriate. This means the CDC’s COVID-19 test standards for the PCR test would pick up an excessive number of false positives. The Times report noted that the CDC’s own data suggested the PCR did not detect live virus over a Ct of 33."

"WHO guidance Diagnostic testing for SARS-CoV-2 states that careful interpretation of weak positive results is needed (1). The cycle threshold (Ct) needed to detect virus is inversely proportional to the patient’s viral load. Where test results do not correspond with the clinical presentation, a new specimen should be taken and retested using the same or different NAT technology."

This translates to “in the absence of symptoms, a high Ct value means you are highly unlikely to become ill or get anyone else sick in the absence of very recent exposure to an infected person.”

"In short, a positive PCR test in the absence of symptoms means nothing at a Ct of higher than 30, according to the experts interviewed by the New York Times and according to Jaafar et al."

If you do not want to talk about Producers Risk (Type I) or Consumers Risk (Type II), we are not having a free and wide ranging debate.

Alpha & Beta Risk

If we are not talking about alpha and beta risk we are having a dishonest discussion the like of what we see when a Republican is in office and the MSM wants him out.

Anonymous said...

Are the # of infections or deaths higher than last winter?

Yes, because the infection only got established after the midpoint of winter season last year.

Since Democrat officials did their damnedest to stymie hear immunity, it was like a fire that firefighters have not fully put out that is sputtering along. So it was guaranteed it would come back.

So, if we will have more infections and death in January and February this years than we had last winter season, why is city hall opening?

Because Orange Man bad is gone and politicians have realized this is really only mostly killing old retirees with significant pre-existing conditions. It is why doofuses like Feinstein, Pelosi, Newsom and feel free to run around with out masks.

There is a real disease that kills mostly old people, who are already sick. So Democrat officials feel free to run around sans masks while enacting fascist controls on everyone else.

Anonymous said...

Blue State Blues

Day after Orange Man Bad is gone they announce the opening of movie theaters.

So they overhyped the disease.

Did we need to develop a vaccine? Yes

Did we need to lockdown elderly in Nursing homes or with diabetes and other conditions? Affirmative?

Did we need to lock down the whole economy? No, that was economic warfare of the upper class against the other classes. Karl Marx for the evil, unenlightened bitch that he was would have understood this.

Anonymous said...

Mayor Muriel Bowswe Wowser announced the opening of restaurants. We are right in the middle of a huge winter curve and she does not want to flatten it.

What changed?

Orange Man bad is gone.

IMO a lot of people are projection their sins onto Trump and come Judgment Day if it exists, they are going to be fucking shocked.