Sunday, January 24, 2021

President Biden Caught On Hot Mic Saying He Does Not Know What He Is Signing, But Signs It anyway


 In the video an unidentified person told him to sign it anyway", so he did. 

Joe Biden said “I don’t know what I’m signing” on camera as he proceeded to sign an unknown executive order. 

In the video posted to BitChute, an unidentified person told him to “sign it anyways.” 

This comes amid nationwide concerns over Biden’s apparent cognitive decline. 

The video shows Biden, without a note of humor, say that he has no idea what executive order he is signing.

Another person then gestures toward Biden’s left hand. 

WNU Editor: I have a very bad feeling about this. If I am seeing this, so are certain people in Moscow, Beijing, Tehran, etc..


Jac said...


Anonymous said...

Da human autopen

Anonymous said...

Another person then gestures toward Biden’s left hand. "

Sign Rover! sign!

Down boy.

Wanna dog treat? Here it is.

Now got to your doghouse.

RussInSoCal said...



Dave Goldstein said...

The number of idiots here is amazing

Anonymous said...

Yeah. This blog has really gone down in quality. WNU views are not that much more intelligent either.

Anonymous said...

Sure Dave.

Since when is gallows humor bad or not a cathartic release. As Dan Greenfield says he writes to keep from getting really sad or going crazy. His writing is often sarcastic. How can one not be. Liberals do so many stupid things and expect everyone else to praise them as doing something good or normal.

A person does not go all at one usually like a light switch being thrown. So Joe knows, sometimes knows, or knew what he was doing, Pawning himself off on a nation. If he doesn't, the people around him do.

I fully expect if one or more of the EO's signed are very unpopular President Harris at a future date will scapegoat Joe. That is the plan. President Harris will implore people to vote for her in the next general election and ask people not to blame her for the EO's. The MSM will not press her as to why she will not/did not sign an EO to reverse them.

Joe Biden as president is a bad joke. It deserves to be lampooned on SNL. We know that won't happen.

President Harris herself will not be lampooned on SNL, because she is black and she is female.

If a political party is going to run patients, comedians will not draw attention to it, the MSSM won't write about it, then it is left to watercooler talk.

The MSM will write about , but only when it is judged time by the swamp to use the 25th or pressure him to leave.

Anonymous said...

Since you are here, perhaps that proves your point.

Anonymous said...

"Sir that's actually your lunch menu....."

Crusader said...

And to think that a week ago people were trying take the nuclear football away from Trump

Unknown said...

Now is the time for China to test the USA. If China invades Taiwan & America does nothing, then the Chinese government could see that as a green light to move in on more of the South China Sea & hoover up the natural resources in the region after threatening & if necessary, bashing the navies of their neighbours. Keep ducking 🙉