Wednesday, January 6, 2021

President-Elect Biden Calls Today's Washington DC Protests Acts Of Sedition.


President-elect Biden offered an uncharacteristically explosive condemnation of the violence that broke out at the U.S. Capitol building on Wednesday after Trump supporters charged police and stormed the building as lawmakers attempted to certify Biden’s victory. 

Biden called the breach an “unprecedented assault” on the “citadel of liberties” and the “public servants who work at the heart of our republic.” 

Biden spoke at length during a press conference in Delaware as a mob of hundreds of Trump supporters occupied the U.S. Capitol, in opposition to President Trump, who called on them to be peaceful and go home. 

“This is not dissent. It’s disorder. It’s chaos. And it borders on sedition,” Biden said, adding that it “must end now.” 

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WNU Editor: He did not call out President Trump by name when he said this was sedition. But you can tell in the above video that he is itching to accuse President Trump of treason.


RussInSoCal said...

Where has Biden been? I've been watching acts of sedition, arson, looting, violence and murder since Labor Day. I've been watching a bifurcated application of justice since the start of the Chinese virus.

Nancy Pelosi has told us that she's "not worried about old statues" - after they'd been vandalized.

Watched stores and businesses burn with without a care or a word from Biden. But the US Capital is sacred?

Nancy Pelosi can rip the State of The Union in half on nat'l TV, but it's "sedition" for President Trump to rial against a fraudulent election.

Where was Biden then?

The senile sock puppet can take his recreational righteous indignation and shove it.

B.Poster said...

What Russ said, nailed it!! By the evidence I've seen this is a few lawbreakers disrupting largely peaceful protests of systemic irregularities that seemed to benefit the Democrat candidate that hasn't been properly investigated. The survival of the US government nor that of Congress members or staffs was ever seriously threatened. They were merely inconvenienced. Their inconvenience pales in comparison to what many of us have endured due to the government's response to COVID-19.

Unfortunately the lawbreakers have distracted many from the very serious business of investigating potential electoral fraud. Hopefully this will not be allowed to continue.

The actions of these lawbreakers seem cleverly timed and they run contrary to how Trump supporters typically operate. I think it highly likely that ANTIFA/BLM members infiltrated these legitimate protests and are responsible for what happened. During the George Floyd protests they demonstrated the ability to move with military like precision. I'm sure they haven't disbanded and they had plenty of time to plan this.

Anonymous said...

Unless your protest has corporate backing you better keep it peaceful and within the boundaries of the law.

RussInSoCal said...

Welp, congress is back in session and the Capital is still standing. No graffiti, burned walls and (amazingly)no missing furniture.

What we had tonight was some bad behavior by some people, causing fright and inconvenience to the Government elites.

The only horrible, trajic thing that happened tonight was the murder of an unarmed, 34 year old woman - 14 year Air Force vet and wife - by a panicked, incompetent cop.

Anonymous said...

Ashli Babbit wasn't on a class trip, she was on a planned clannish mission. She wasn't playing dress up with her flag and MAGA hat costume. She was a former member of our military and had taken an oath to defend our nation as she and others stormed our nation's capitol, broke windows, and invaded our halls of lawmaking with a nationalist mob. She got a fatal dose of reality. The Fox News and Twitter propaganda led her to make, childish choices. She said that "Nothing will stop me" on Twitter. A bullet did.

Once Trump is gone, America needs to take a hard look at those who profit by sewing hateful propaganda that keeps us going in circles instead of tackling the overwhelming tasks this country faces if it ever wants to be great again.

Kungflu said...

What happened to the virus!? I saw orders for no guns! I saw orders for curfew! But didn’t see a mask enforcement. lol duh because it’s illegal and unconstitutional.

Stephen Davenport said...

Anon, 1049, fuck off dude