Sunday, January 3, 2021

President Trump's Call To Georgian Officials Leaked To The Washington Post


 * Kamala Harris ripped into President Trump during a campaign event in Savannah on Sunday 
 * It came hours after a leaked recording captured Trump pressuring Georgia's Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger to 'find' a way to overturn Joe Biden's win 
 * 'It was certainly the voice of desperation,' Harris said of Trump's plea 
 * 'And it was a bald, bald-faced, bold abuse of power by the president,' she added 
 * On the Saturday call Trump said: 'All I want to do is this – I just want to find 11,780 votes, which is one more than we have. Because we won the state' 
 * A recording of the phone conversation was obtained by The Washington Post 
 * Raffensperger told Trump that Biden's win in the Peach State is legitimate 
 * Biden's senior advisor said: 'We now have irrefutable proof of a president threatening an official of his own party to rescind a state's certified vote count' 
 * On Sunday the chairman of the Georgia Republican Party, David Shafer, tweeted that the call served as a 'confidential settlement discussion' of two lawsuits Trump had filed against Raffensperger 
 * Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez condemned Trump's pressuring of Raffensberger, calling it an impeachable offense 

Harris' rebuke followed a Washington Post report detailing the unprecedented hour-long call on Saturday, during which Trump berated Raffensperger and Gov Brian Kemp to do anything they could to change the outcome of the Georgia election.

'So look. All I want to do is this – I just want to find 11,780 votes, which is one more than we have. Because we won the state,' Trump told the officials, both of whom are Republicans. 

On Sunday the chairman of the Georgia Republican Party, David Shafer, tweeted that the call served as a 'confidential settlement discussion' of two lawsuits Trump had filed against Raffensperger in state and federal court. 

Read more .... 

WNU Editor: This leaked conversation is heavily edited which explains why the main stream media is focusing on President Trump's remark to find 11,780 votes, but ignoring the case that he makes on why he believes there are thousands of Republican votes that have not been counted, and why tens of thousands of votes for Biden (especially in Fulton county) are questionable. President Trump's opening statement where he outlines why he believes the Georgia vote is fraudulent can be read here .... 'There's no way I lost': Read the transcript of Trump's extraordinary call pressuring Georgia Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger to overturn election results (Daily Mail). 

The media is also ignoring why this phone call was made in the first place (see below).


Anonymous said...

Raffensberger finances need to be watched for the next several years.

We have seen how the Biden crime family operates, so Raffensberger's immediate family needs to be watched for illegal business dealings.

Anonymous said...

To WNU Editor... Do you honestly believe the Presidential election was fraudulent? And that Trump won?

Blackdog said...

My favorite part was…. Highly edited. You can listen to the whole thing.

Anonymous said...

YOU really need to learn what is legal and illegal in a president attempting to change an election result in a state of the union.

Anonymous said...

Legal experts say the combination of Trump’s request to “find” a specific number of votes — just enough to put him ahead of Biden — and his veiled reference to criminal liability for Raffensperger and his aides could violate federal and state statutes aimed at guarding against the solicitation of election fraud. The potential violations of state law are particularly notable, given that they would fall outside the reach of a potential pardon by Trump or his successor …

… Georgia state law includes two provisions that criminalize “solicitation of election fraud” and “conspiracy to commit election fraud.”

In an interview with Politico, Georgia State University law professor Anthony Michael Kreis also said that the “Georgia code says that anybody who solicits, requests or commands or otherwise attempts to encourage somebody to commit election fraud is guilty of solicitation of election fraud.”

“There’s just no way that if you read the code and the way the code is structured, and then you look at what the president of the United States requested, that he has not violated this law — the spirit of it for sure,” Kreis added.

Anonymous said...

8:40 is another Fred troll special copy and paste job.

If the Democrats used several different methods of cheating (I believe they did), the "finding" x number of votes means rolling back one of their particular cheats such as vote switching.

"Allied intelligence used serial number methodology to determine how many tanks the Germans were producing..

You can find this WW2 intel effort in college level statistics books. Stats, if properly used (not misused), is very powerful. It has been shown statistically 3 different ways how the election was stolen.

Coomer and the CEO of of the voting machine company have testified before congress and lied. There are videos from 2016 of Coomer saying that you can switch votes and connect to the internet.

It might be a very wise thing not to get the military involved directly in the hybrid warfare the Democrat Party is conducting against the people and institutions of the US, since the Democrats already have their troops, BLM and ANTIFA, out in the field. These very same troops are supported by the Chines Communist Party.

However Milley, the KCS and can use NSA intercept or statistical studies and other intel to pin the tail on the donkey and peacefully unravel the Democrat's coup.

Do I think Milley will do this?

Milley has never been to war. Sure he has been to Iraq and ... He never went out on patrol. He never had any more skin in the game than a REMF. Milley did not patrol. He sent out patrols from an airconditioned office.

American and foreign truckers who hauled supplies around Iraq had more skin in the game the Milley.

Why point this out. My belief is that Milley does not have the intestinal fortitude nor the intelligence to any way be helpful to the truth.

So if the Milley or the brass says something, I almost immediately ignore it.

I'll add one more thing. The Fred Troll like Beijing Biden cannot add anything new, analyze anything or construct anything. Joe has a teleprompter. Fred has Leftwing rags. Fred is Joe's brother from another mother.

fred said...


fred said...


fred said...


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Lying some more.

Anonymous said...

WNU is a troll Russian. It took my awhile to figure this out - his cover story is pretty good - but he is obviously got an agenda. I only come back here infrequently to laugh at the garbage "he" is peddling.

Anonymous said...

Fred, you are either troll or really ignorant.

German tank problem

"In the statistical theory of estimation, the German tank problem consists of estimating the maximum of a discrete uniform distribution from sampling without replacement. In simple terms, suppose there exists an unknown number of items which are sequentially numbered from 1 to N. A random sample of these items is taken and their sequence numbers observed; the problem is to estimate N from these observed numbers."

"German records after the war showed production for the month of February 1944 was 276.[6][c] The statistical approach proved to be far more accurate than conventional intelligence methods, and the phrase "German tank problem" became accepted as a descriptor for this type of statistical analysis."

We know the lection was stolen.

You will get Soviet empty shelves, Soviet Quality, Soviet justice.

Remember Soviet Justice almost had a Final Solution of all Russian Jews in the 1950's.
Whatever, we know that you lie down with dogs.

Anonymous said...

Finishing not only with a lie, but a very bad one.

Anonymous said...

"The Doctors' plot was an antisemitic campaign in the Soviet Union organized by Joseph Stalin. In 1951–1953, a group of predominantly Jewish doctors from Moscow were accused of a conspiracy to assassinate Soviet leaders"

"There is a view, based on various memoirs and secondary evidence, that the doctors' plot case was intended to trigger mass repressions and deportations of the Jews, similar to deportations of many other ethnic minorities in the Soviet Union, but the plan was not accomplished because of the sudden death of Stalin"

If Stalin had lived, the Jewish population would have disappeared.

Finishing not only with the truth, but a very damning one about socialists.

Anonymous said...

How the KGB laid the ground for the great Soviet exodus

"By persecuting its Jews, the USSR further isolated itself and galvanised those seeking to escape to Israel"

Why, oh why, is Fred such a believer in socialism that in national or international flavors persecutes Jews?

The answer is that Fred is not a Jew.

Anonymous said...

Jews In The Gulag After WWII

fred said...

The backstory of Trump’s Georgia call

fred said...

Georgia Sec. of State discusses phone call with Trump about election results Video

Anonymous said...


Did you do one of your famous copy and paste jobs (link) so people would look at this?

"TRUMP’S MONDAY — The president will leave the White House at 6:10 p.m. for a rally in Dalton, Ga. Additionally, according to the official White House schedule sent to reporters, “President Trump will work from early in the morning until late in the evening. He will make many calls and have many meetings.” Same."

There are literally thousands of pep0le who voted in Georgia and another state and the ASSFUCKER Sec. of State does not prosecute them or throw out their double votes. That is just one problem. It is understandable that a person would be upset with Raffenburger a person, who commits crimes by omission.

Dear Fred (a most stupid person),

I have a plan B. A place that will have heat, electricity, no murder and no drug dealing. You cannot say that about the US. Places like New England have no new natural gas pipelines. Without new or upgraded pipelines might runout soon gas for heating in the next few years. Also remember that blackout can cascade. With intermittent power, it makes it more likely.

You cannot modify your home for an alternate heat or power source can you.

Dmitri Poster Jr. said...

Товарищи! Отмечу, что нашему работнику Плакату на данный момент нечего сказать о Матери-России.Интересно, почему? Мы, конечно, хорошо осведомлены о нашей истории с евреями, и именно поэтому так много из них уехали лет назад, чтобы поехать в Нижний Ист-Сайд в Нью-йорке.А потом, позже, с нашим продолжающимся варварством, почему многие другие евреи отправились в Израиль.

fred said...


Anonymous said...

Still lying.

Anonymous said...

Yes, all Fred can do is snipe, hide, re-emerge and snipe again. Posting pictures and articles from leftwinger sites is not debate.

I remember a professor called Percy. Never had the guy for a teacher. His reputation preceeded him. Students were scared and conformed. They did not learn a damn thing from the tenured prof except that he was a mean, evil man. They did learn how to live a lie. I can imagine it was the same in Fred's classroom.

Ishmamel said...

“Despite the delay, the [Palestinian] Authority has not officially asked for help from Israel. Coordination between the two sides halted last year after the Palestinian president cut off security ties for several months.”
In other words, the Palestinian leadership refused to even talk to Israel when the latter was ordering vaccine doses, let alone coordinate a complex rollout operation. Before that, the UN’s official news site published an article titled: “COVID-19: UN envoy hails strong Israel-Palestine cooperation.”
In response to a petition from an NGO claiming Israel is not helping the Palestinians enough, the government in May reported to the High Court of Justice a long list of actions it had taken, including holding training courses for medical teams and lab technicians and donating coronavirus testing kits.
In other words, Israel had been willing to help before the Palestinians cut ties. And more recently, Health Minister Yuli Edelstein last month told The New York Times it is in Israel’s interest to help stop the virus from spreading among Palestinians, adding that he has “no doubt it will be done.”
As Khaled Abu Toameh reported in this paper two weeks ago, “The Palestinians do not expect Israel to sell them, or purchase on their behalf, the vaccine from any country... the Palestinians will soon receive nearly four million Russian-made vaccines against COVID-19. The PA, with the help of the World Health Organization, has managed to secure the vaccine from other sources.”

fred said...


Anonymous said...

The 37 most outrageous lines from Donald Trump's call with the Georgia secretary of state

Anonymous said...

Outrageous is people voting in other states who also voted in Georgia.

Outrageous is Dominion machines flipping 6,000 votes from Trump to Biden in one county alone.

If Fred knew anything about EPROM and manufacturing, he would see that if one Dominion machine did it, they all could do it and probably do.\

You could not run quality in a manufacturing plant the way that drek Raffensburger ran the election.

Anonymous said...

Still lying!

Anonymous said...

You're pathetic.

Anonymous said...

he president has gone well beyond simply venting his grievances or creating a face-saving narrative to explain away a loss, as advisers privately suggested he was doing in the days after the Nov. 3 vote, but instead has pressed the boundaries of tradition, propriety and the law to find any way he can to cling to office beyond his term that expires in two weeks. That he is almost certain to fail does not mitigate the damage he is doing to democracy by undermining public faith in the electoral system.

His hourlong telephone call over the weekend with Georgia’s chief election official, Brad Raffensperger, pressuring him to “find” enough votes to overturn President-elect Joseph R. Biden Jr.’s victory in that state only brought into stark relief what Mr. Trump has been doing for weeks. He has called the Republican governors of Georgia and Arizona to get them to intervene. He has summoned Michigan’s Republican legislature leaders to the White House to pressure them to change their state’s results. He called the Republican speaker of the Pennsylvania House twice to do the same.

He and his staff have floated the idea of delaying Mr. Biden’s inauguration, which is set in stone by the Constitution, and he met with a former adviser urging him to declare martial law. His erratic behavior has so alarmed the military that he might try to use force to stay in the White House that every living former defense secretary — including two he appointed himself — issued a warning against the armed forces becoming involved.

And he has encouraged Vice President Mike Pence and congressional allies to do anything they can to block the final formal declaration of Mr. Biden’s victory when Congress meets on Wednesday, seeking to turn what has historically been a ceremonial moment into a last-ditch showdown over the election. The idea has disturbed even many senior Republicans and it is guaranteed to fail, much to the president’s frustration.

“The ‘Surrender Caucus’ within the Republican Party will go down in infamy as weak and ineffective ‘guardians’ of our Nation, who were willing to accept the certification of fraudulent presidential numbers!” Mr. Trump wrote on Twitter on Monday, quickly drawing a warning label from the social media firm.

He denied subverting democracy, posting a quote he attributed to Senator Ron Johnson of Wisconsin, one of his Republican allies: “We are not acting to thwart the Democratic process, we are acting to protect it.”

But Mr. Trump’s efforts ring familiar to many who have studied authoritarian regimes in countries around the world, like those run by President Vladimir V. Putin in Russia and Prime Minister Viktor Orban in Hungary.

“Trump’s attempt to overturn the election, and his pressure tactics to that end with Brad Raffensperger, the Georgia secretary of state, are an example of how authoritarianism works in the 21st century,” said Ruth Ben-Ghiat, author of “Strongmen: From Mussolini to the Present.” “Today’s leaders come in through elections and then manipulate elections to stay in office — until they get enough power to force the hand of legislative bodies to keep them there indefinitely, as Putin and Orban have done.”

Anonymous said...

And at 1:05 Fred R Lapides or a troll pretending to be him does another copy and paste job.

your mother's lover said...

Trump's Phone Call to Georgia to Flip Election Is What a Coup Looks Like

Georgia election: Donald Trump's phone call fact-checked

Anonymous said...

Trump’s conspiracy train reaches the end of the line

Democrats ask FBI Director Wray to open criminal probe into Trump after leaked phone call

Tom Pain said...

President Trump turned on Sen. Tom Cotton (R-Ark.) on Monday after the Republican senator warned that the GOP effort to oppose certifying Joe Biden's victory could "establish unwise precedents" and "take away the power to choose the president from the people."

Why it matters: Cotton, a close ally of Trump who praised the president at the Republican National Convention, is one of a growing number of Republicans who have denounced plans by colleagues to object to certifying Biden's Electoral College vote.

Cotton is widely viewed as a potential 2024 Republican presidential candidate.
Sens. Josh Hawley (R-Mo.) and Ted Cruz (R-Texas), who are also rumored to be considering 2024 bids, are leading the efforts to oppose certification.

What he's saying: On Twitter, Trump repeated his unfounded claim that the election was rigged and said "the real numbers" would be revealed during his speech on Monday night.

"@SenTomCotton Republicans have pluses & minuses, but one thing is sure, THEY NEVER FORGET!" Trump tweeted.

Anonymous said...

Form 1:07 to 1:16 Fred posted 3 mote times. As a noted copy and paste artiste, it is obvious why Fred for all his vaunted intellect and learning never wrote a novel or a book of poetry.

PhD said...

EXCLUSIVE: Atlanta-Based U.S. Attorney Abruptly Departs Office Sooner Than Expected

Stop calling Trump?s enablers ?conservative.? They are the radical right.

Anonymous said...

Dude you got your PhD due to white privilege. Go around town and ask any BLM protester. We have proof in the dearth of material your produced in your field.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Not hard to look up books or lack of them on and elsewhere.
