Sunday, January 3, 2021

Progressives Voice their Opposition To President-Elect Joe Biden's Choice Of Avril Haines For Director Of National Intelligence

Director of National Intelligence (DNI) nominee Avril Haines. 

There were three controversial areas where Avril Haines made a name for herself and for which she should have to answer in a confirmation hearing. 

Former acting CIA Director Mike Morell, who has disingenuously argued for years that he had nothing to do with the agency’s torture program, but who continued to defend it, has taken himself out of the running to be President-elect Joe Biden’s new CIA director. 

The decision is a victory for the peace group Code Pink, which spearheaded the Stop Morell movement, and it’s a great thing for all Americans. Now, though, we have to turn our attention to Biden’s nominee to be director of national intelligence (DNI), Avril Haines. 

Haines is certainly qualified on paper to lead the Intelligence Community. A longtime Biden aide, she has the president-elect’s confidence. But that’s not good enough. Haines is exactly the kind of person who shouldn’t be in a position of authority in intelligence. She is the kind of neoliberal intelligence apologist whom so many of us have opposed for so many years. Don’t just take my word for it, though. Look at her record. 

WNU Editor: I do not see this nomination being overturned.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

"Former acting CIA Director Mike Morell, who has disingenuously argued for years that he had nothing to do with the agency’s torture program, but who continued to defend it, has taken himself out of the running ..."

Language fails us. The word torture does not distinguish between medieval torture and waterboarding. Both current "tortures" and medieval torture can put people in severe pain. So we have to come up with phrases such as "Going medieval on someone". If a person is subjected to medieval torture, their limbs and other parts of their body are not going to function. A person loses physical function after such an ordeal.

There more items:

Liberals practice torture on a mass scale. ANTIFA engages in demonstrations designed to deprive people of sleep in whole neighborhoods and streets. To wit they are engaged in torture. Furthermore their torture can be described as medieval as it can leave lasting scars from traffic accidents or work accidents.

With the current use of the language, confinement can be described as sheet torture. Even anticipation of confinement or a sentence can be described as sheer torture. Awhile back a man in Egypt or near there was sentenced to death for a crime. The man made a novel argument. He or his lawyers argued that the mere sentence of death and waiting for it to be carried out caused in extreme distress (i.e. it was torture). The anticipation was cruel and unusual. The Muslim jurist had a great reply. Sad to say I did not write it down, but it should go down in law books and books of ethics. Basically it said that anticipation of a sentence being carried out should not abrogate it from being carried out. If it were not sentence could ever be carried out.

We should not listen to The Left. The ones that are not idiots are hypocrites that will do or are doing the very thing things they complain about.