Sunday, January 3, 2021

Russia To Test Its Next-Generation Intercontinental Ballistic Missile That ‘Beats All Defence Systems’

The RS-28 Sarmat doomsday missile is destined to replace the feared R-36 

The military is preparing to carry out flight tests of its next-generation intercontinental ballistic missile, a weapon it claims can overcome any defences. 

The RS-28 Sarmat is destined to replace the R-36, named SS-18 Satan by NATO. 

Weighing 208 tonnes and with a range of about 6200 miles (9977km), the Sarmat will carry up to 16 warheads and, according to Moscow, will be capable of bypassing any missile defence system. 

It could carry a payload capable of destroying an area the size of Texas or France, according to Zvezda, the Russian defence ministry’s TV channel. 

WNU Editor: Yup. This is all a message to the incoming Biden administration .... Russia's message to Biden: New ballistic missile can breach defenses (Jerusalem Post)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

It cannot be a message to any Republican president past present or future. If a Republican president planned on nuking Russia or invading it, The Swamp would have leaked it like they leaked Trump's call to the criminal Georgia Sec. of State.

I have already opined of how would the the Russians like to be negotiating across the table from thieving, election stealing Democrats. We have our answer. They do not like negotiating with such unprincipled heathens.

Notice how the Russians mentioned Texas and not California with Silicon Valley that you would think would be a more important target. Perhaps it is because the Russians know that Gov. Newsom (D) will destroy California before they ever get a chance.

It is understandable that the US has nuke missile defenses when the Russia and the Chinese use North Korea as a stalking horse. Plus Russia is the only country in the world that fired a nuclear warshot and that was unannounced.