Friday, January 8, 2021

Tech Giants Move To Ban Parler From Their Platforms

The Parler social media app on Apple's App Store. Stephen Shankland/CNET 

The Twitter alternative has 24 hours to start improving content moderation or Apple will expel it from the App Store, according to BuzzFeed. 

Google removed the Android app. 

Google and Apple are cracking down on the Parler social networking app two days after a mob of Trump supporters stormed the US Capitol. 

Parler has been rife with violent comments since before the attack on the Capitol. Apple told 

Parler it'll ban the social network's app from its app store if Parler doesn't start to moderate its content better, BuzzFeed reported Friday. 

Google removed Parler's Android app from its Play Store on Friday, saying it'll remain banished until Parler improves moderation.

WNU Editor: As I had said in the previous post. We are witnessing a massive push to silence President Trump and his supporters.


Scott said...

Welcome to China.

Anonymous said...

WNU are you going to get roped up in this purge?

Anonymous said...

"We are witnessing a massive push to silence President Trump and his supporters."

Is that true?

This is not Trump specific.

“WALK AWAY” Movement DELETED from Facebook, Leaders Blocked from ACCOUNTS — Over 500,000 Testimonials DISAPPEAR!

Walk away is about walking away from the Democrats broken promises. It is not necessarily pro Republican. You can walk away from the Democrats and join the Green, Libertarian, Republican or some other party.

This is about 1 party rule.

RussInSoCal said...

As we all have learned from history - the best way to calm everyone down is to shut off their means of communication and to punish them for their thoughts. //

It is no wonder that the the Dorsey's and the Zuckerberg's and the Gates', Googler's and Dems are doing this. They've welded themselves off from any study of the past. Ill-equipped with any debates skills, they react violently to any thoughts or words they disagree with. Not to mention the encouragement and empowerment of mental illness.

All those Yale, Brown and Harvard degrees bought them no wisdom. Only arrogance. Entitlement.

Y'know that old saying by Edmund Burke about forgetting history, then repeating it?

We now have to contend with a generation who refused to learn it in the first place.



Anonymous said...

The tyrannical left destroyed billions in private property and murdered dozens during the violent riots in the summer

But CNN sold it to you as mostly peaceful
All the violent content on twitter was allowed for the left.millions of calls to murder.

Now the same left bans right leaning platforms from existing, further showing their authoritarian, communist roots.

It's an authoritarian corporate takeover cheered on by the left and giving cover to their countless crimes

It's abhorrent

CatholicDragoon said...

And people are wondering why government buildings are get stormed?
It's simple when people have no way to voice their grievances, violence becomes the tool of choice, as it's the only tool available.

Amp1776 said...

Dont think anybody here is surprised. Only gonna get worse.

Anonymous said...

If Google bans WNU, can WNU ban the google defender here, The Mimic?