Thursday, January 7, 2021

The Conflict And Refugee Crisis Continues In Ethiopia's Tigray Province

VOA: Ethiopians Continue Streaming Into Sudan, Fleeing Tigray Region Violence

GENEVA - The U.N. refugee agency (UNHCR) reports some 800 Ethiopians have arrived in eastern Sudan since the start of the new year. 

This brings the total number of refugees who have fled Ethiopia’s conflict-ridden Tigray region to more than 56,000 since early November. 

The number of daily arrivals is lower than at the start of the crisis when fighting in Tigray was particularly intense and thousands were fleeing every day. 

Nevertheless, the UNHCR sees no let up to the violence, abuse and dangers confronting area civilians. UNHCR spokesman Andrej Mahecic says hundreds of Ethiopians continue to flee for their lives. He says refugees are arriving in eastern Sudan fatigued and weak after days of travel, with little more than the clothes on their backs. 

 More News On The Conflict And Refugee Crisis In Ethiopia's Tigray Province 

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Still important that WNU keeps tabs on this. The establishment media will not.

The VOLAGS do not care at least not right now, because they are not involved in refugee flows from this and thus no processing fees handed to them by the USG.

Also the refugees are by and large Christian so the liberals do not care. Never mind that they were Christian (and black) long before most of Europe was, liberals hate Christianity.

I visited the church in Jerusalem once with a classmate. It was remarkable. It was 2 white guys in line with about 100 Africans for the Horn of Africa.

Northern Europeans depict Jesus as white. Ethiopians depict Jesus as black. Mediterranians depict Jesus as Mediterranians. They only people who have a problem are liberal mothers fuckers.