Friday, January 15, 2021

Threat Of More ‘Super-Covid’ Mutant Strains Coming As Infection Rates Continue To Rise Globally


MORE coronavirus 'super variants' could be on the way as infection rates continue to rise globally. 

There have been over three million cases of Covid-19 in the UK to date and globally that toll sits at nearly 94 million. 

Globally around 230,000 people a day are being infected and experts have now warned that new variants of the virus could continue to emerge after three more were discovered in the US. 

Dr Trevor Bedford, who is a scientist at the Fred Hutchinson Cancer Center in the US explained that the virus is mutating as it is "getting better at getting into human cells". 

Referencing the three new strains in the UK, South Africa and Brazil he said: "My (highly speculative!) hypothesis is that the emergence of these variant viruses arises in cases of chronic infection during which the immune system places great pressure on the virus to escape immunity and the virus does so by getting really good at getting into cells." 

Read more .... 

WNU Editor: The Covid-19 pandemic news just keeps on getting worse with each passing day.


Anonymous said...

Death is more powerful than life right now so I think that war comes next

Unknown said...

Pestilence, Famine, War, Death & the forgotten horseman of the Apocalypse, English Weather!!! Keep ducking 🙉

Anonymous said...

If China doesn't make reparations, hangs Xi and CCP members involved in the wuhan bio lab, it'll be world war 3 for way around it. ..except if they manage to silence everyone. How would they do this? By first coming after free speech. No matter the crime they did, the powerful will not be held accountable they say ...instead, YOU will be silenced. YOUR RIGHTS will be taken. Your livelihood will be taken. You'll be made dependent on the state and if you even dare to mention what they did, maybe you got a fever and end up in those new covid camps.
War is coming

CatholicDragoon said...

"keeps on getting worse with each passing day."

And yet I care less and less with each day, funny how the power grabs from petty tyrants makes one so inured to suffering and death.

Anonymous said...

But the Left and Biden are coming to save the day. "Science will show (in about 2 weeks) that Covid wasn't that dangerous after all.

Unknown said...

Keep those planes flying internationally. They need to infect us more. the first virus didn't do its job. But on a side note. Let's close down outdoor skating rinks because that's the problem. Hmm🤔