Sunday, January 17, 2021

Took A Covid-19 Test This Afternoon

 WNU Editor: Just a precautionary move on my part to take the test. I am showing no symptoms.

My mother had a medical emergency last Thursday. She coughed blood when she woke up. Since then she sometimes coughs blood (when she wakes up in the morning), and during the day she has a bad case of sinuses. 

In a normal situation she will be in a hospital and a scan will be taken to determine the cause. But we do not live in normal times. I will know more about her medical situation tomorrow, and the results of my Covid test (if it is positive) will be known on Tuesday or Wednesday. If it is negative, I will be informed by email on Friday. 

On a side note. I was struck by how young the medical staff were in this medical center They all looked like kids (early twenties). Which makes sense. Young people are not dying from this disease. 

I made a point of showing my appreciation and thanking everyone who was there for the work that they are doing.

They are angels.

Update: It has been a very long day. Yours truly is going to sign off for today.

Update 8:30 AM: Wow! Slept 12 hours! It has been years since I did that.


James said...

You're getting older, heh.

Crusader said...

Blimmin' heck!
That's full-on stress.
Hope it all ends well.

Anonymous said...

I am tested one to two times per week since last July. I get rsults within 12 hours generally.

I hope you are OK, and I really really hope your mother fels better.

B.Poster said...

Prayers for your mom for healing and for you. I was having symptoms recently and got tested as a precautionary measure as I live with people who are vary vulnerable and in.y work I interact with a number of people who are vulnerable so I thought better to be safe even though it means not insignificant risks of "false positive." Thank God it was negative and I'm feeling much better!! Where I live north of Houston, TX there are a number of facilities where someone can get tested and get the results within 30 minutes. This is what I did.

"Young people are not dying from this disease." For the most part this is true. "Statistically zero" would be the correct term which is NOT "absolute zero."

"They are angels." Indeed they are!!

Anonymous said...

All the best to you and your mother WNU!

Anonymous said...

Our prayers for the recovery of your mother, Mr. Editor.

Anonymous said...

Prayers for you and your mother, Brother.

Unknown said...

All the very best to you and your family.

Anonymous said...

Is it a PCR test or a Lateral Flow test?

We are finding here in the UK the quick lateral flow test is coming back Negative and a PCR test taken same day comes back 1-2 days later as positive.

I have first hand experience with this and some in my family and my work team have had the same. Negative when in fact they are positive.

There is plenty within the UK media about it, without influencing my argument, you can easily search for links yourself - you are renowned for your links ;)

War News Updates Editor said...

Anon 7:39
PCR Test