Thursday, January 28, 2021

Top U.S. Infectious Disease Expert Warns Covid-19 Situation Could Get Worse Due To New Variants


Anthony Fauci warned Thursday that the coronavirus situation in the United States “potentially could get worse,” despite recent improvements, citing the threat from new, more contagious variants of the virus. 

“I think it potentially could get worse,” Fauci, the government’s top infectious disease expert, said on MSNBC’s “Morning Joe

" He said that while “we certainly are seeing, thankfully, a plateauing in cases,” on the other hand, “the thing that’s troublesome now, that we really need to keep our eye on, are these variants.” 


Anonymous said...

How masks does he recommend this time,1,2,3,4, or 0? This guy has little or no creditability.

Anonymous said...

Components of COVID

1 Membrane Protein M
2 E Protein
3 Spike Glycoprotein S
4 Envelope
5 RNA genome.

#4 is just stolen from the cell surface of the cell(s) the virus invaded

#3 variant cannot harm you as much as as they claim. It is docking mechanism that is all. If docking efficiency is a little more or a little less it is not gong to doom or save a healthy person.

It can be explained how HCQ works. It can explain how HCQ transports zinc into cells. zinc is known and necessary antiviral agent.

After 440,000 Americans are Dead – Facebook and American Journal of Medicine Admit Their Stand on HCQ was Wrong — These People Should be Prosecuted!

"The latest international testing of hydroxychloroquine treatment of coronavirus shows countries that had early use of the drug had a 79% lower mortality rate than countries that banned the use of the safe malaria drug."

There are gaps in the explanation of how COVID or any virus works. So they are using empirical data. With that they can fuck up bigly.

They have 'empirical' studies that supposedly show that variants are scary. How does a change in the Spike Glycoprotein S make COVID 19 into a head shoulders killer above, where it is at now?

Maybe the problem is people, the population is stressed by the government with lockdowns. Simple things like less exercise, social isolation, loss of job an as this loss of purpose, ...

Social isolation often leads to depression and depression has an effect on the immune system.

We know there is social isolation causing depression, because suicides are up.

When you have a COVID variant and social isolation are the same time, these 2 factors can be said to be confounded.

Truth is many scientists, engineers and doctors have been shown to be ignorant of confounding factors and have produced many useless studies.

I bet money that DR Fauci is ignorant. He is no longer on the leading edge and he has not been for 35 years. The only leading edge he is on is Democrat politics. Dr. Fauci is no longer a knowledgeable or a bright man, He is merely a buffoon suck up, who kisses up to the dominant political faction.

kidd said...

use the heart energy u fools

Anonymous said...

Show where Fauci understands confounding and experimental design. You can't.

Anonymous said...

Funny but the CDC does understand the concept of confounding, but perhaps not Mr. Fauci.

Here is one that merely mentions confounding.

"Limitations: Risks of confounding due to unmeasured variables and to misclassification of exposures."

But they never did any actual work. They through in the "Limitations" as a caveat so they had a CYA telling people that threw out a research paper out there fast and loose to get on the score board.

Take Hugo M. Mialon of Emory University - Department of Economics. He puts out a few papers a year. His papers stand the test of time.

Fauci looks like the energizer Bunny in comparison to Mialon.

Fauci gets his name on a paper at least once a month. Fauci does shoddy work. His experimental design is shit.

Anonymous said...

and so you know better and that is why you have found the right way to protect the p;public and get vaccines that work
odd the govt does not contact you. Oh? no name. No background. No nothing but bitching about someone much more skilled

Anonymous said...


You see a lot of job announcements for STEM jobs. What do they say? Recent graduates only.
Why is that do you think?

You strike me as person that has never studied nor implemented a risk management program.

Here is a starter for you.

Once you get that under your belt, start on cost benefit analysis.

Anonymous said...

What you remind me of, is union members with well paying jobs that have problems getting a higher paying union job, because they have to cheat on a sophomore level or less test. One of the test questions was a Pythagorean triangle question using round numbers no less. They wanted to be quality control inspectors and they would rather cheat than relearn grade school or high school math. Makes you want to get not that quality vehicle made by American workers, Ha ha!
That said, I think they are better than you. They could at least use a ruler. A micrometer might have been stretch goal for some of them.