Wednesday, January 6, 2021

Trump Supporters Storm The US Capital. Lawmakers Evacuated. U.S. Capital Under Lockdown. Entire National Guard Deployed To The US Capitol. Biden Victory Confirmation Halted. DC Curfew At 6:00 PM


 * The Capitol has gone on lockdown after thousands of Donald Trump's supporters stormed the building in protest of Congress certifying the election for Joe Biden 
 * Vice President Mike Pence said Wednesday he will not follow President Donald Trump's demand that he overturn the election, vowing he will heed to the constitution, adding 'So Help Me God' 
 * Pence sent a letter to the 535 senators and representatives on Capitol Hill ahead of his presiding over the Joint Session that will certify Joe Biden's victory 
 * He said vice presidents in the past have conducted 'the proceedings in an orderly manner even where the count resulted in the defeat of their party or their own candidacy' 
 * Donald Trump addressed thousands of his supporters at his rally Wednesday just before Congress was to begin counting the electoral votes that will make Joe Biden the next president
 * Trump threatened Mike Pence telling him to overturn the general election results shortly before Congress s was to begin counting the electoral votes that will make Joe Biden the next president 
 * In an extraordinary speech, Trump once again called his election 'rigged' and said, 'We will never concede' 

The entire National Guard has been deployed to the US Capitol after a woman was shot inside when President Donald Trump's supporters stormed the building and violently clashed with police in a bid to stop Joe Biden's victory being certified. 

The chaotic scenes broke out after dozens of Trump supporters breached security perimeters at the Capitol on Wednesday afternoon. 

The woman was reportedly shot in the chest and is in a critical condition. It was not immediately clear who shot the woman. Police could be seen treating her on the floor of the iconic building. 

Read more .... 

WNU Editor: Half of the country believes November's US Presidential election was conducted fraudulently. Hundreds of thousands showed up today in DC to protest (with little if any media coverage this morning on why they are there). Not surprising. It did not take much for these protesters to storm the capital, and by sheer numbers to overcome the Capital police. 

The powers that be in Washington (from both political parties) better pay attention to what is happening right now. In the past it was progressives who were protesting and rioting. Today .... they are in charge in many cities and states, and soon the White House and all of Congress. If they hit against these protesters and supporters of President Trump hard .... as many are now saying should be done .... I shudder on what may unfold. 

The U.S. is in the middle of a pandemic, and an economic crisis. The unrest that could break out and the response of authorities could make make last years Antifa/BLM riots puny in comparison. And the consequences and repercussions far more severe and lasting.

More News On Today's Unrest In Washington 


Crusader said...

You echoed my comments to my junior co-workers this morning.
All this does is lay down the playbook.
Antifa laid the groundwork.
Burning/looting: OK
Occupying a building: Bad

Anonymous said...

Those are not Trump Supporters. They are Antifa disgused as Trump supporters.

Anonymous said...

"Storm AND loot, well now they were mostly peaceful!

Anonymous said...

Sure have the usual suspects hollering!

RussInSoCal said...

5:02 PM

Not a doubt in my mind these are antifa plants. Dressed all in black and vandalizing the building. Even deployed chemical irritants on the Cap Police to gain entry.

Not the signature of Trumpers.

Anonymous said...

You and 5:02 could very well be right, but now it doesn't really matter. No one believes the Left period. All they have (the Left) is physical coercion and that will back fire on them. It may take a little while but they are doomed.

RussInSoCal said...

And we haven't seen any burning churches yet either. That comes later tonight when antifa gets their riot on.

RussInSoCal said...

Lefty blogs/fake news are going berserk with this when they ignored or even encouraged the burning/looting of entire city districts.

"The lady doth protest too much, methinks"

X said...

No they are proud boys trump supporters. Antifa hates trump why would they go out

Anonymous said...

Reality is one tough mother fucker. wake up and smell the tear gas

Anonymous said...


Really odd how white mobs can get away with this crap, strange how that works.

Now let's hear WNU and the rest of the dolts on this blog whinge about left-wing violence!

Anonymous said...

Right on cue there it is!

Way to go Russ!

Anonymous said...

But they were mostly peaceful, lololololololo!

Anonymous said...

You really think you're above the fray don't you, yes reality is a bitch!

RussInSoCal said...

5:38 PM
5:40 PM

Jump in any time punk (5:40). What a couple rote, blinkered hypocrites.

"Really odd how white mobs can get away with this crap, strange how that works"

And BAM goes another irony meter. antifa/blm destroys a swath of Wash DC and gets a Plaza named after them. antifa/blm burns/loots Minneapolis, Seattle, Portland, NYC, L.A., etc.

What a foolish, brainless statement.

Anonymous said...

Of the people carrying irritants my 1st three suspect groups would be

1) Democrat operatives
2) ANTIFA (Dems)
3) Proud Boys members (maybe)

What would make me think it is more hard Left is that the were reports with pictures of the usual 2 2X4's bricks and and other riot supplies staged in D.C. I want to know what that fat fuck of a DC mayor and DC police chief did to those delivering riot supplies yesterday. If they did not pick up and arrest those people for inciting or participating in a riot yesterday, they are complicit.

Bricks, Lumber and Propane Tanks Left Out on DC Streets Ahead of Wednesday’s Stop the Steal Protests (VIDEO)

Mayor Bowser should be arrested for inciting a riot.

Trump supporters did not plant pipe bombs. That is a Leftist tactic. Proud Boy leaders did not ask or plan for anyone to plant pipe bombs.

I find it suspicious that (A) McCartney was there with Mayor Bowser and that so little has been done to stop ANTIFA in Portland and other places . From my view point it looks like the fix is in.

As much has been done to arrest and convict ANTIFA with our huge DHS and its surveillance as the Durham report did with illegal surveillance. Clinesmith did not go off the reservation all be his lonesome. So again the fix is in.

Anonymous said...

Even with prep the Left can't pull it off, they convince no one.

Anonymous said...

Hey Russ, what color we're those guys who drew down on the Bureau of Land Management in Nevada 2014?

Or those bearded dingbats in Oregon at the Malheur National Wildlife Refuge?

If a black, brown or Indian dude did that they wouldn't last 5 seconds.

But, yes, left-wing violence and all that.

Anonymous said...

n. The act or an instance of open revolt against civil authority or a constituted government.
n. A rising up; uprising.
n. The act of rising against civil authority or governmental restraint; specifically, the armed resistance of a number of persons to the power of the state; incipient or limited

Did you take a survey of how many people brought weapons? If 10 people brought weapons and there were 100,000 people were there I don't think the 99,990 people without weapons were intending an insurrection.

Of the 10 that brought weapons, let see who they are and who they work for.

People wanting to get into the faces of elected officials is not an insurrection. It is disorderly conduct or rioting, but not an insurrections and depending on your POV it is no different than a lunch counter protest.

When you watch Ruby Freeman in video run through a stack of ballots 3 times in a row and no elected official do nothing, then your elected officials lose their auctoritas, their mandate of heaven.

Watching the sausage het made in the counting centers on video makes me believe that their is no difference between the USG and the MAFIA.

Anonymous said...

Your what aboutism isn't working! Can't get around the "mostly peaceful" can you. Keep trying to be above it all, you're doing sooo well.

Anonymous said...


You are full of shit.

My brown spouse never gets tickets for speeding. Only once in 4 or 5 times have I got a ticket while speeding, when my brown spouse was with me.

When I

m driving without my brown spouse and I get pulled over, I get tickets 100% of the time.

RussInSoCal said...

6:17 PM

Er, the Oregon bunch were all arrested and charged. The Bundy group had a legitimate beef. Not one death or damaged building in either case. Unlike the left wing riots in Minneapolis, Portland, Denver, Seattle, NYC, etc...

What's your point?

Amp1776 said...

Pro-Trump power-tip: Just wear an antifa t-shirt. they'll dismiss the charges.

Anonymous said...




RussInSoCal said...

The left wing normalized political violence. Reap what you sew.

Anonymous said...

See, when you enter into a contest, one side wins and one side loses.

We call the ones who lost, losers.

Today I saw a couple of thousand losers behaving like dipsticks and throwing a tantrum. Sad.

Anonymous said...

1. many carried confederate flags.
2. two days ago, I had read Proud Boys coming to DC incognito
3. smashed windows in Federal property--peaceful protests?
4. tried to halt legitimate work of our republic
5. Trump silent
6. homeland security silent
7. and most of GOP
8. Trump lost chance for running again: he might keep his base but has lost independents and thus can not win
no need to go on and on: this was a disgraceful gathering of insurrectionists tearing down the govt.

Anonymous said...

You should be sad. You're a pathetic excuse who can't face the reality you yourself created.

Anonymous said...

It's not working. Four years hahahaha!

Anonymous said...

Russ, are you a 10 year old?

Anonymous said...

30 6> 232

Yeah, you get that when you cheat.

People will never forget the video of the woman running the same container of ballots through the counting machines 3 times in a row.

Is running the same salted deck 3 times in a row fair?

Anonymous said...

Tarrio is a WASP name isn't it?

Another of :dem dere: white Hispanics per the New York Times.

Anonymous said...

It's sad when a supposed 10 year old has a better grasp of reality than you. Keep trying, hahahaha!

RussInSoCal said...

7:13 PM

You want to refute a point I made? Go ahead...

Anonymous said...

The old "playbook" ain't working so good. You've got them running and crying.

Scott said...

Twitter muted a president. Crazy times.

RussInSoCal said...

Trump should delete his Twitter account and move to Parler. Half the Twitter feed is Trump derangement syndrome anyway. What would the Twitter twats do w/out Trump?

Move to Parler and launch it into outer space.

Anonymous said...

Talk show hosts and alternative press are leading the way form Twitter to Parler. Parler is going to be as big or bigger than Twitter very soon.

I ma astounded by the growth of numbers cited by various hosts. They are building followers quicker on Parler than they ever did on Twitter

RussInSoCal said...

CNN's Chris Cuomo: "Please, show me where it says protesters are supposed to be polite and peaceful."