Tuesday, January 19, 2021

U.S. Accuses China Of 'Genocide And Crimes Against Humanity' Against Uighur Muslims


The US Government has accused China of committing "genocide and crimes against humanity" in its oppression of Uyghur Muslims in its Xinjiang region. 

US officials briefing reporters on the move said "an exhaustive documentation of (China's) own policies, practices and abuse in Xinjiang" viewed by Secretary of State Mike Pompeo led him to determine such acts had been committed since at least March 2017. 

Read more .... 

 More News On The U.S. Accusing China Of 'Genocide And Crimes Against Humanity' Against Uighur Muslims 


Anonymous said...

Try harder Mike. In your own words "we lied, we cheated, we stole".

Anonymous said...

Yeah that and the current crime against humanity, aka the Wuhan virus or the China virus or the CCP virus. The virus that currently has killed 2 million directly and by UN estimates will kill another 200 million or so indirectly. And that was before the virus mutated. Not to speak of the what now 20 trillion dollar damages to the global economy and the previous theft in patents, IP, trade goods in excess of 10 trillion... we are talking "why should we not go kinetic?!" Kind of actions and crimes against humanity that frankly make Adolf Hitler, the mass murdering Nazi, and even Mao the mass murdering communist look like amateurs. We are talking end of the World type scenario and it's time the Chinese stand up against the CCP.

Anonymous said...

You are right.

The Democrats "lied, cheated, and stole"

So are you (11:27) DNC, Chinese, Russian, Iranian or North Korean?