Sunday, January 3, 2021

US COVID-19 Death Toll Surpasses 350K

Number of deaths officially linked to Covid-19 in 2020, by age group, according to provisional US CDC data. 

 * Fauci and U.S. Surgeon General Jerome Adams, who appeared on CNN´s State of the Union, defended the accuracy of coronavirus data published by the CDC 
 * 'The deaths are real deaths,' Fauci told ABC News´ This Week Sunday 
 * Trump tweeted: 'The number of cases and deaths of the China Virus is far exaggerated because of the CDCgov´s ridiculous method of determination' 
 * More than 20 million have been infected and 350,000 have died in the US 

Two top U.S. health officials on Sunday disputed a claim by President Donald Trump that federal data on COVID-19 cases and deaths in the United States is overblown, and both expressed optimism that the pace of vaccinations is picking up. 

'The deaths are real deaths,' Anthony Fauci, the director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, said on ABC News' This Week, adding that jam-packed hospitals and stressed-out healthcare workers are 'not fake. That's real.' 

Read more .... 

 More News On The Covid-19 Coronavirus Pandemic In The U.S. 


Anonymous said...

War news please

Anonymous said...

Battles are fought in parlors and salons before they are ever fought in the field.

With hybrid warfare, virtually everything is war news.

Civil wars have provided the opportunity for invades. Whether it is one faction of a town visiting he Muslims in, which happened in the Med during medieval times or senatorial factions fighting in Rome.

Fauci chose sides a long, long time ago. He mash not to Saint Hillary prove as much.

Anonymous said...

Europe will pass 555k today...

Anonymous said...

Fauci is greedy vainglorious fool. He should remember the adage

You can fool all the people some of the time, and some of the people all the time, but you cannot fool all the people all the time. - Abraham Lincoln

Fauci is trying to play this con for too long of a time. Demographers will have his ass in a few years.

B.Poster said...

What anon 5:30 said, nailed it!!

Trump is correct. Fauci and the Surgeon General are wrong. Unfortunately Trunp doesn't have the bully pulpit that Fauci has making it problematic to counter Fauci's false information. Is Fauci lying or is he blinded by ideology, power, or some combination? The Abraham Lincoln quote provides some comfort. Perhaps Fauci will one day be brought to justice for what he's done.

Anonymous said...

I had a cousin (in law) pass away this week that will probably go down as a Covid death. She got exposed on Thanksgiving as all 5 people at dinner ended with Covid. She is mid 80's with several health issues including a heart that was only functioning at 40% (for the last 20 tears). Her initial symptoms were not spotted as Covid as they were stomach intestinal, but as other family members tested positive it became apparent that she had it as well. They took her in for IV"s as she was dehydrated, her blood oxygen was borderline so they kept her for a day (oxygen) to monitor, but sent her home when it stabilized. As everyone else was recovering she still kept getting worse, generally not feeling well so they took her back to the hospital and discovered that her heart function had dropped to 15%, which means she was dying so they let her go home on hospice care as she wasn't going to last long. She made it through Christmas but but finally her heart gave out and she died a few days short of New Years.

There was some curiosity whether she still had Covid or not, the hospital wouldn't test her the second time in because it was only 3 weeks since testing positive, and the chances of a false test were high...seemed weird to me. Either way I'm sure the Covid didn't help her heart any, but she did pass away after being diagnosed, so I'm sure she is now one of the 350k on that list.

Anonymous said...

The reason for a sad story?

It is descriptive. It is only descriptive, but set in a certain timeline, so a person could assume that it is psychological warfare effort on your party.

Would you trade a Thanksgiving dinner full of comraderie for an additional 6 months isolated in a nursing home where the highpoint of your day is a good BM?

If you had written my 87 year old cousin once removed had diabetes, COPD and congestive heart failure (40% ejection fraction) and yet came to dinner, people would ask why.

If you gave the same vital statistics and said she had a year left to live with the latter half likely bed ridden, alone and not allowed to have visitors, going to Thanksgiving makes sense regardless of the risk.

Here is a life expectancy calculator. USE IT!