Monday, January 11, 2021

Will Joe Biden Close Guantanamo Bay?


WNU Editor: President-elect Joe Biden committed to the closing of Guantanamo Bay 10 years ago. But will he actually close it? Much of the Democrat base wants to close it, and with Democrats in control of the US government there is really no excuse for Biden to close it. My money is that it will be closed in the coming months, and some of the detainees at this prison will be brought to the U.S.. What happens after that will be court cases, law suits, and the very real possibility that some of these terrorists will be released.


Anonymous said...

I have been afraid that if the trials were held on the mainland other jihadis would kidnap citizens in the area, where he trial was held to secure release of the people on trial and to make a statement.

Battlefield conditions are not conducive to collecting evidence. Evidence collected by Intel might compromise sourced and methods, if revealed in court. So f there are big pay outs to terrorists, release of them, or if terrorists are given American citizenship, I would not be at all surprised.

Democrats will spin any bad outcomes and fall back on Bush's Fault or Trump's fault. Expect the deplatforming bitches to go along with it.

We are in for a ride and a demented old fool is at the wheel.

Mr. Biden's wild ride will not be as innocent or cute at Mr. Toad's ride.

Anonymous said...

" sources and methods, if revealed in court. So if "