Tuesday, February 2, 2021

35 Countries Have Restricted Access To The Internet Or Social Media Platforms At Least Once Since 2019

Axios: Internet blackouts skyrocket amid global political unrest 

Where there’s a coup, there will probably be an internet outage. 

Why it matters: Internet disruptions in Myanmar early Monday morning coincided with reports that top politicians, including the country’s de-facto leader Aung San Suu Kyi, were being rounded up by the military. That’s no surprise: internet blackouts are now common around the world when power hangs in the balance. 

The big picture: At least 35 countries have restricted access to the internet or social media platforms at least once since 2019, according to Netblocks, a group which tracks internet freedom. Authorities have used the outages to reduce or prevent unrest — or to hide it from public view. 

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WNU Editor: China is not on the above map?!?!?? There are a lot of social restrictions in China. And the internet in places like Tibet and Xinjiang are limited. Ditto in places like Vietnam, Cambodia, Syria. etc..


Anonymous said...

Axios is obviously getting significant ad money from the CCP.

Anonymous said...

The USA should be a deep urine yellow on the map. They have been deplatforming, Shadow banning and outright banning people for 5 years.

Daniel said...

Presumably permanent restrictions are a different matter from one-time outages.

Anonymous said...

The shadow banning and other transgressions by liberals are not one time bans. They are permanent when they think they can and they are bleeding exercises, when they think they do not quite have the backing yet.

I understand Hatshepsut, Akhenaten and other mysteries now.

Anonymous said...

you understand nothing now or earlier

Anonymous said...

No sociology major, I understand why a new Egyptian regime would want to erase the old regime by defacing monuments. People have not changed.

BTW Dementia Joe's ratings are sinking an da Pinata has begun.

Anonymous said...

The US is on that count now...

Not a leftist? wait for a knock at your door. Its coming.

Anonymous said...


Clearly, you do not want to talk policy and facts and figures. Still you are a feisty foreign devil. Sadly, your only sign of synapses firing is your attempt at mind games.

You have no idea what La Pinata is or what it means. It relates to phase of corruption, when a Mexican president loses an election. We see that in the Biden administration. His family is grifting oh so very hard.

Biden nor his puppet masters have confidence in Biden staying in the White House long term. In fact the leftist puppet master are going to replace him sometime after the 100 days and before the next presidential election cycle begins in earnest.

So they will 25th amendment him out sometime after the 100 days but before November 2022.

Joe is not exciting and he has no coattails. The DNC will want someone more exciting like the execrable Kamala and new VP, who is shinier.