Thursday, February 11, 2021

A Massive ‘Gun’ For Europe's Main Battle Tank?


On paper at least, the European Main Battle Tank could be a heavy-hitter. 

The joint Franco-German European Main Battle Tank venture aims at leveraging aspects of France and Germany’s tank programs to build a technologically advanced tank that both countries hope could be introduced into service Europe-wide. 

To date, the project has produced just a single pre-production prototype that combines features of both the French Leclerc main battle tank as well as the German Leopard 2. The design, intended to demonstrate the compatibility of French and German engineering and technology, mates the Leclerc’s well-protected autoloading turret with the Leopard’s robust chassis and reliable engine. A demonstration video showing a bit of the EMBT’s manufacture as well as mobility and firepower capabilities can be seen above and is worth the watch. 

WNU Editor: This new tank is still a work in progress.


Jac said...

There is still some remaining problem about who do what?

Anonymous said...

I hope that gun can shoot a drone swam...

fazman said...

No doubt that ammo is coming