Tuesday, February 23, 2021

Afghan Peace Talks Resume In Doha

Taliban spokesperson Mohammad Naeem said that the first item of business will be setting the agenda [Sorin Furcoi/Al Jazeera] 

Peace talks between the Taliban and the Afghan gov’t resume in Doha after weeks of delays and change in US diplomatic leadership 

Peace talks between the Taliban and the Afghan government have resumed in the Qatari capital Doha after weeks of delays, escalating violence and a change in US diplomatic leadership as the Biden administration began. 

Taliban spokesman Mohammad Naeem tweeted on Monday night the resumption of the talks, which were the outcome of an agreement between the Afghan armed group and the US in February 2020. 

Read more .... 

WNU editor: I am not optimistic on these talks. The Taliban believe they have won the war, and the only purpose of these talks is to work out the terms of capitulation. 

Update: It is hard to negotiate with people who believe God is on their side .... How to Bargain with the Taliban (War On The Rocks).


Anonymous said...

The Taliban did not win anything. They are hired help of the Pakistanis.

The Taliban no more won the war than Puyi won his throne in Manchukuo.

When you are using a terrorism strategy like Pakistan, you only have to spend 1% to 10% of what your opponent spends. So in effect Pakistan is outspending the US given their leverage. Not only that but we given them a billion dollars or more a year, so we are funding our own defeat.

It is so bad that if the US pulled out of Afghanistan, China's Silk Road initiative had better work or Pakistan is facing a decade of strife or outright civil war.

The US should pull out and go long on popcorn.

Anonymous said...

Long on popcorn. Good one.