Tuesday, February 16, 2021

Beijing Tells Its Coast Guard To Shoot At Any Vessel Inside The Disputed Waters Of The South China Sea. Philippines Says It Will Shoot Back

A Chinese coast guard vessel sails near disputed East China Sea islands in August 2016. Picture: 11th Regional Coast Guard Headquarters via AP Source:News Regional Media 

China has made a “threat of war” over its arbitrary borders in the South China Sea. Beijing said it will “take all necessary measures” in the conflict. 

The South China Sea is reaching boiling point. Beijing has told its Coast Guard to shoot at any vessel inside its arbitrarily declared ‘nine-dash line’ borders. Now the Philippines says its navy will shoot back.

Philippines Foreign Affairs Secretary Teodoro Locsin Jr this week vowed any response would bring serious consequences. 

“So far there has been no incident. If there is an incident, I can assure you there will be more than just a protest,” Mr Locsin told local media. He was commenting after issuing a formal diplomatic protest against what he called a “verbal threat of war”. 

Read more .... 

WNU Editor: Philippines says it will shoot back .... South China Sea: War fears as Philippines threatens gunfire in escalating row with Beijing (Daily Express). 

Update: China is now telling the Philippines that they are exempted from this Chinese Coast Guard order .... Philippine envoy to China: Beijing assured it won't target Philippines with coast guard law (PhilStar).


Jac said...

If Philippine is exempted who is not? I think a lot because as soon as someone is standing up, China is backtracking.

Jac said...

Correction: a lot will be exempted.

Anonymous said...

I have a very dim view of China privateering and shooting at merchant vessels. If you leave the western part of Indonesia to go to the Phillipines or Japan, you transit the South China Sea. Merchant vessels are not allowed to carry arms. China no longer allows privateers, but local communist officials did until a stink was raised and people lower down on the food chain were iced. The trigger pullers among the privateers were shot in the back of the head in a soccer stadium with AK's, but you know that some of the proceeds were kicked upstairs.

MV Cheung Son