Friday, February 12, 2021

Canada's Military 'Screws-Up' A Diversity Photo By Showing 8 White Men

Nothing says diversity like eight white guys sitting round a table. Photograph: Twitter @CDS_Canada_CEMD 

The new chief of defence staff has apologised after his message of ‘diversity, inclusion and culture change’ missed the mark 

Institutions around the world are keenly aware that it is important not only to increase diversity and inclusion – but to do so in a transparent and public way. 

Which is probably why Canada’s new chief of defence staff made a proud statement this week about recent discussions at the highest levels of the country’s armed forces. 

“Conversations on diversity, inclusion, and culture change are not incompatible with our thirst for operational excellence. I count on my senior leaders to champion culture change,” admiral Art McDonald, recently wrote on Twitter. “Diversity makes us stronger, inclusion improves our institution.” 

Unfortunately, that stirring message was somewhat undercut by the accompanying photograph of the meeting – which showed eight white men sitting round a table. 

WNU Editor: The Canadian military has bigger problems starting with its former top general .... Government probe into Vance allegations ended when ombudsman refused to hand over info: sources (CBC), and then there is Covid .... Canadian military dealing with surge in new COVID-19 infections since December (CTV).


Anonymous said...

Diversity of thought, work experiences, or education is what counts.

Diversity of skin color matter naught.

Actually skin color is jack. What really is interesting is upbringing. Things like spending more time for May Day dance rehearsals than a dancer for a Samba school does for their routines.

RussInSoCal said...

Well, there's 4 green flight suit/camo guys and four service dress guys. What's the problem?

Anonymous said...

What ?Russ said.

U.S. Air Force aeronautical rating