Monday, February 1, 2021

Confused Vice President Harris Says That If West Virginia Coal Miners Lose Their Jobs Under The Biden Administration They Can Use Their Skills To 'Reclaim Abandoned Land Mines’


Last week, Vice President Kamala Harris gave an exclusive interview to a local television news station in West Virginia. 

In the interview, Harris was asked about the state’s coal industry. She reassured West Virginia coal miners that even if their jobs disappear under the Biden administration — and the implication was clear that they would disappear — mine workers could transfer their skills to new industries. She then listed several exciting new careers coal miners could consider. The first of these was, and I quote: “reclaiming abandoned land mines.” 

WNU Editor: "Reclaimed abandoned land mines"?!?!?! Her defenders are saying that she does not mean land mines that are of the explosive type .... but the land where the mines are located. I hope so. Because if she meant land mines that are of the explosive type, then we have a serious problem. 

The WSAZ complete story/interview is here .... Vice President Kamala Harris speaks exclusively with WSAZ about challenges facing our region (WSAZ Channel 3). 

Update: Virgina's Demcorat Senator is not amused .... Manchin 'couldn't believe' seeing Harris's West Virginia TV interview (The Hill).


RussInSoCal said...

Been dealing with this airhead in California for years.

Anonymous said...

They have no idea what they're doing

Anonymous said...

I assumed "Boots in the Air" meant land reclamation. Where I live a regionally famous strip mine is a primo fishing area. It does not take huge effort to do it or employ many people. Also you can see the strip mined area from space. It is a land of lakes. It prevents farming from fence post to fence post. Consequently, the strip mined area is heavily wood and prime deer habitat.

West Virginia being created by fold mountains, probably dues not have a lot of strip mines. They are leveling mountain tops or actual shaft mines. How do you remediate the former. The latter there is nothing to do. Unless you area politicians and you talk shit. I have seen a few mines repurposed for tourism. Other than that is a matter of subsidence which affects real estate purchases and insurance.

If Boots meant actual land mines, so what. She is no more stupid than AOC, Maxine Water or Hank Johnson. If she actual meant land mines, If I were the Russians and Chinese I would chart long term trend lines of politician IQ and see how to take advantage of it.

“All of those skilled workers who are in the coal industry and transferring those skills to what we need to do in terms of dealing with reclaiming abandoned land mines; what we need to do around plugging leaks from oil and gas wells; and, transferring those important skills to the work that has yet to be done that needs to get done,” - Kamala

Of all the statement that Kamala said I found this offensive:

plugging leaks from oil and gas wells

It betrays a Michael Bloomberg level of stupidity.

"was admitted to the California Bar in June 1990"

I have to assume that Harris was in top 20 to 50 percentile in law back in 1990. That is she was decent enough in one field of study. Outside of political infighting, I don't think her knowledge is that broad or that deep. She is unfit.

Anonymous said...

Anyone with half a working brain understand what she meant, she obviously misspoke.

Anonymous said...

hardly worthy of a post unless you are so anti-Democrat that you need to spend time with a silly post. How many gaffes from Trump? Lies? None noted at this site in 4 years. My point: makes this site seem childish

Anonymous said...

I won the election. It was stolen from me--Trump
That not posted as silly gaffe? Or outright lie?

Anonymous said...


Tell us 2:03, Oh High & Mighty Oz, how do you reclaim a shaft, slope or drift mine?

The mine reclamation I support is that practised by Germany. They start by scraping the top soil off first. They replace the top soil after the coal seam has been taken. We are not talking about that in West Virginia now are we?

So what are we left with? A jobs programs of digging trenches and then filling trenches. We would be better off with leadership plucked from a phone book.

2:03 half a working brain would be 8 times better than what you have now.

Anonymous said...

Why wipe voting machines and shred ballots right after the election unless you are a thief?

RussInSoCal said...

"Misspoke". She has no idea what she is talking about, nor cares.

Unknown said...

Is it true she said 'After they've defused the land mines they can play with the traffic' ? I was saddened to see Trump go. He really made me laugh especially with his press conferences. As good as South Park. However I think Biden & Harris are just as funny. & to think they're in charge of nuclear weapons. Keep ducking 🙉

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

How does an ignorant person Misspeak? It’s like a random dude with an 8th grade education giving a talk on quantum mechanics. Whatever they say is nonsense but it certainly isn’t MISSPEAKING. Harris is the perfect example of the Peter Principal at work. The USA deserves her. We need to be punished for electing those two grifters.

Anonymous said...

Again, 2:17 is a nazi.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Former president Donald Trump lost the 2020 election largely due to his handling of the coronavirus pandemic, according to a post-election autopsy completed by Trump campaign pollster Tony Fabrizio.

The 27-page document shows that voters in 10 key states rated the pandemic as their top voting issue, and President Biden won higher marks on the topic. The report also indicates that Trump lost ground among key demographic groups he needed.

The internal report cuts against Trump’s claims that the election was stolen from him and that Biden could not have fairly beaten him — and mirrors what many Trump campaign officials said privately for months.

Anonymous said...

Wiggle wiggle wiggle!