Saturday, February 6, 2021

Editor's Note

101 things to do today. Blogging will return this evening. Update 20:40 EST: It has been a long day. Calling it an early night. Blogging will return Sunday morning.


Anonymous said...

Hi Admin, I assume you are already aware of this movie, but in case you're not.

Anonymous said...

"She had not posted anything

- disrespectful,
- racist,
- inflammatory, or
- inciting violence.

Her only sin was to respectfully explore free speech social media platforms.

Recently the Jennifer De Chiara Agency fired an agent for simply having a Parler account."

America is gone.

Anonymous said...

trying to overturn the govt is not free speech but insurrection.
execute traitors

Anonymous said...

Just who decides what is insurrection? You'd love to be that judge, wouldn't you!

Anonymous said...

You did not read the article.

For some reason 8:41 you hate lesbians.

Why is that?

The linked article did not mention the events of January the 6th.

The linked article mentions someone had a Parler account.

That is it. They had a Parler account and they were fired.

Anonymous said...

"You use shell companies," Foval said.

"If the car is owned by a third entity,

then it's much harder to prove that these people drove in from out of state.

Foval > Creamer > DNC & Shakowski & Obama & Hillary

Anonymous said...

Mr Stupido
when you smash your way into the offices and place of our elected officials and threaten to kill them, steal laptops, etc., then that is insurrection fucking stupid are you¿

Anonymous said...

John Sullivan and 19 other Leftists did smash their way into the Capital.

But I was talking about people on the Wst coast, who were never at the capital, did not plan anything.

They write books for children, young adults and others. They are LGBTQIA and they are being canceled by the intolerant Left,.

That is what I commented about. I linked that article. that article is the trutgh. Yu did not read the article.


We can guess.

- You have a low lexile score
- You lack empathy.
- Your IQ is low.
- You have zero real skills.
- You are a uptight asshole with you dirty underwear in a bunch looking at porn, whenever you are not spewing a liberal TPM.

Jack Meoff said...

WASHINGTON — In the weeks since the January riot at the Capitol, there has been a raft of stories about voters across the country leaving the Republican Party. Some of the numbers are eye-catching and suggest that the GOP may be shrinking before our eyes, but a closer look at the numbers over time shows that a larger change has been working its way through the party for some time.

In fact, when one takes into account shifts in the composition of the Democratic Party, the real story seems to be more about a deeper remaking of the nation’s two major political parties.

To be sure, the headlines from the last few weeks have been striking, with multiple states reporting large declines in Republican voter registrations.

Jack Meoff said...

With his impeachment trial set to begin this week, a narrow majority of Americans say they support the Senate convicting former President Donald Trump and barring him from holding federal office again, according to a new ABC News/Ipsos poll released Sunday.

Compared to public attitudes in the early days of his first impeachment trial, support for the Senate convicting Trump is higher now. In an ABC News/Washington Post poll published in late January 2020, when the first trial was ongoing but before senators had voted, 47% of Americans said the Senate should vote to remove Trump from office and 49% said he should not be removed.

But in this latest poll, 56% of Americans say Trump should be convicted and barred from holding office again, and 43% say he should not be. The new poll was conducted by Ipsos in partnership with ABC News using Ipsos' KnowledgePanel.

Anonymous said...


List all the people arrested with their political affiliations, facial ID, video and acts.

With so many resources being thrown at this, non-random samples are both disingenuous and show of weakness.

If you have ever done receiving inspections and you have not, because you have never did anything worthwhile in you whole life.

Typical random samples are taken and lots are accepted or rejected based on Dodge Romig sampling plans.

Dodge-Romig sampling plans date from WW2 and the USG's striving for better quality. WW2 is before your time but not by much., It is something you should be aware of, if you were real person.
Outside of USG IRL companies typically eschew Dodge Romig. Typically they go to 100% inspection when random samples show a problem.

So I find it damn odd that the USG does not publish a complete list of everyone arrested and political affiliation. Again it is damn odd given the money spent and LEO hours spent.

You think ur pen name of Jack-Me-Off is so clever. Did you have study for a PhD in English and write book on poetry & its conventions to come up with that?

Everyone know that Fred is like 50 1st Dates, when it comes to communist TPM and overall memory. It is why you are copy and paste monkey.

Anonymous said...

Oh, heck no. The Trumpites next door to our pandemic getaway, who seem as devoted to the ex-president as you can get without being Q fans, just plowed our driveway without being asked and did a great job.

How am I going to resist demands for unity in the face of this act of aggressive niceness?

Of course, on some level, I realize I owe them thanks — and, man, it really looks like the guy back-dragged the driveway like a pro — but how much thanks?

William Budd said...

If removal were the only punishment that could be imposed, the argument against trying former officers would be compelling. But it isn’t. Article I, Section 3 authorizes the Senate to impose an optional punishment on conviction: “disqualification to hold and enjoy any office of honor, trust, or profit under the United States.”

That punishment can be imposed only on former officers. That is because Article II, Section 4 is self-executing: A convicted officeholder is automatically removed at the moment of conviction. The formal Senate procedures for impeachment trials acknowledge this constitutional reality, noting that a two-thirds vote to convict “operates automatically and instantaneously to separate the person impeached from the office.” The Senate may then, at its discretion, take a separate vote to impose, by simple majority, “the additional consequences provided by the Constitution in the case of an impeached and convicted civil officer, viz: permanent disqualification from elected or appointed office.”

Thus a vote by the Senate to disqualify can be taken only after the officer has been removed and is by definition a former officer. Given that the Constitution permits the Senate to impose the penalty of permanent disqualification only on former officeholders, it defies logic to suggest that the Senate is prohibited from trying and convicting former officeholders.

Anonymous said...

William Budd = Jack Meoff = Philotectes = Parrot = Clerk = F.. R. L. = Fred Imposter.