Monday, February 1, 2021

Experts Are Now Predicting A More Longer And Deadlier Pandemic That May Last 4 To 5 Years


Mutated versions of the coronavirus threaten to prolong the pandemic, perhaps for years — killing more people and deepening the global economic crisis in the process. 

The big picture: 

The U.S. and the world are in a race to control the virus before these variants can gain a bigger foothold. But many experts say they already expect things to get worse before they get better. And that also means an end to the pandemic may be getting further away. 

 *  “It may take four to five years before we finally see the end of the pandemic and the start of a post-COVID normal,” Singapore’s education minister said last week, according to the Wall Street Journal. Read more .... 

WNU Editor: I have been hearing and reading for the past six months that this pandemic is going to be with us until 2022 or 2023. Pfizer's CEO more or less predicted this two days ago when he said upgraded vaccines are going to be necessary for the foreseeable future .... Pfizer CEO Says There Is A 'High Likelihood' That Covid Variants Will Make Current Vaccine Shots Ineffective (January 30, 2021). 

 All of this speculation does make sense. It took three years before the Spanish flu burned itself out. 

On a side note. I have a friend who is a senior executive for Air Canada, and he told me during Christmas that his airline does not see normal air travel returning until 2023 when (in his opinion) the pandemic would have ended.


Anonymous said...

This is a power grab.

Just like the Norwegian Left grooms its kids for top government and industry jobs Labour Party youth camps. The Left everywhere is doing the same. You have to get rid the middle class and thus all challengers.

Anonymous said...


Resist this power grab. They want your children to forget freedom. They're creating a slave system. RESIST!

Anonymous said...

There has to be a half dozen trolls on this site. I wonder, if trolls are trying to create a Capitol Hill moment on this or other sites.

copley7 said...

Not suprised. When you read books and studies (pre-covid wrtings) about the 1918 flu it didn't leave until mid 1920. 1919 was a tough year to.

Anonymous said...

Oddly enough this expansion of time would include the next presidential election.

Anonymous said...

I am not buying it. Local health department reports the deaths daily, They are for people in their 60's (rarely), 70's, 80's and 90's. I am in that age range. They make a point of including the information of if the elderly person as in LTC, but only about half the time.

Previously, they included information on comorbidities. They were always vague on that. It was either one or more than one. Now, they do not mention it at all.

Without naming individuals or violating HIPAA they could monthly give statistics on ages, LTC, and comorbidities such as diabetes, cancer, congestive heart failures, COPD and others conditions. If people are elderly and do not have any of those risk factors, they would still pay attention and "health" officials would still have soap box. They could still talk about exercise, diets and all the rest, so that you do not get diabetes and do not have fear COVID 5X as much as you should.

But, nah, health officials and politicians like the panic porn.

Anonymous said...

6:01, these are the experts, don't forget.

Anonymous said...

There are no experts on Wuhan public policy, sure experts abound in Pharma. The political appointees are garbage with no recycling value.
They’ve been wrong in ways causing millions of deaths.

Anonymous said...

Oh no, there'll be no forgetting.

Amp1776 said...

Who cares what NBC has to say. You have to assume they are lying at this point, and time will show that indeed they are.

B.Poster said...

Anon (8:41) has nailed it. There will be mo forgetting. These people have engaged in a blatant power grab while hiding behind the shield of "experts" and hurting many far beyond what this disease ever could do or ever will do. There will be massive"blowback" against them someday. It probably won't be today, tomorrow, or next week. It may not even be this year but it will happen.

They are telling us there are new strains. Viruses mutate. This is badyx biology. Before the advent of fear porn we didn't know this was cause for panic.

The virus is very serious. Unfortunately the government response has made things many orders of magnitude worse.

Jack Meoff said...

Former president Donald Trump lost the 2020 election largely due to his handling of the coronavirus pandemic, according to a post-election autopsy completed by Trump campaign pollster Tony Fabrizio.

The 27-page document shows that voters in 10 key states rated the pandemic as their top voting issue, and President Biden won higher marks on the topic. The report also indicates that Trump lost ground among key demographic groups he needed.

The internal report cuts against Trump’s claims that the election was stolen from him and that Biden could not have fairly beaten him — and mirrors what many Trump campaign officials said privately for months.

Anonymous said...

Living in your head, isn't he Lapides. It's funny to watch.

Anonymous said...

Living in Fred Lapides head is kind of cramped. The habitation of a cave man would more interesting and spacious. It would be filled with art and the tools of industry.

Anonymous said...

"Pandemic" is still here. Of course voters will remember it. The other issues or 3 or more months in the past.

Like witnesses to a crime, most voters cannot recall what they saw accurately. It gets fuzzier as time goes on.

So what did you think that you had there Fred Lapides?

I think you belonged in the art photography side of the UCONN campus when you were going through on the GI Bill.

Oh wait, you took sociology. Same difference.