Wednesday, February 3, 2021

Growing Fears That The UK Covid Variant Is Mutating Into An Even More Dangerous Strain


 * Public Health England has found at least 11 cases of coronavirus where the variant had an extra mutation 
 * This mutation, known to scientists as E484K, appears to make previous immunity to Covid less effective 
 * Scientists say it is 'inevitable' that the coronavirus will continue to mutate this way and it can only be slowed 

The Kent Covid variant has started to mutate further to become more like the one that evolved in South Africa in what scientists have dubbed a 'worrying development' that could make vaccines less effective. 

One of the key mutations on the South African and Brazilian variants appear to make the virus more able to resist immunity that has been developed by past infection or from the current vaccines. 

And this mutation has now been found at least 11 times in different cases of people infected with the Kent variant, Public Health England revealed, raising fears it could become a permanent feature of the British strain. 

WNU Editor: Just when you think it cannot get worse. It does. 

 More News On Growing Fears That The UK Covid Variant Is Mutating Into An Even More Dangerous Strain 


RussInSoCal said...

China did this.

Anonymous said...

Next months spring is here and no kidding it will get warmer easing us out of flu season. Before then we get below normal temperatures. Nothing below zero Fahrenheit unlike previous years. Case counts have been down for 2 weeks. Weird.

I suppose not as many people are getting tested. One reason there has not been as much fear porn in the news since the inauguration. Weird.

Another reason is that the respiratory diseases have burned themselves out for a few year due to a paucity of fuel (our week and our elderly) at hand.

"It only takes between five and eight years for fuel loads in most forest types to build up to a point where fire intensity is likely to exceed 3000kW/m under summer conditions."

If the virus was going to wipe us out or decimate us it would have already done so. It is not like people are being careful as necessary. Pelosi, Feinstein, Whitmer, de Blasio, Lightfoot, Newsom, Biden or others are consistently practising the necessary social distancing.

G said...

u people dont know its a curse from GON u sinners

G said...

so repent ur sins now b4 u DIE