Sunday, February 14, 2021

Has Turkey Broken Its Agreement With Russia On Syria?

South Front:
Mysterious Weapon Knocked Out Syrian Army Battle Tank In Southern Idlib 

On February 12, a mysterious weapon knocked out a battle tank of the Syrian Arab Army (SAA) in the southern Idlib countryside. 

The battle tank blew up in the early morning hours after being hit with an unknown object. 

The battle tank was situated south of the government-held town of Ma`arat al-Nu`man, way behind the frontline. 

Opposition sources reported the incident, with some claiming that the battle tank was hit with an artillery round fired by Greater Idlib militants. 

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WNU Editor: Information on how this tank was destroyed is sparse. But if this becomes a regular occurrence and with a suspected Turkey involvement, Russia and Syria will see this as an escalation by Turkey.


Anonymous said...

"In any case, the strike represents a serious escalation by Turkey and a violation of the agreement signed with Russian on March 5, 2020."

The agreement is a temporary truce, where one or both sides hoping that attrition favors them and that in the future the grains of sand shift so far in their direction that the battle becomes favorable to them, so they obtain victory.

Such truce are not meant to hold. They a met to buy time for the losing side, let both sides rest, resupply & reload or wait for steady attrition to shape the battlefield for future victory.

All the combatants other than Russian are Muslim. Agreements mean nothing. As a Muslim there is not penalty from breaking an a agreement with a non-believer or a heretic.

Maybe The Americans and especially the Kremlin should have worried more about the Nagarno conflict before the weapons were proven out. But why would the lard asses in Foggy Bottom, The Brennanites, or the Pentagon apparatchiks have concerned themselves?

If Putin cannot reign in Erdogan, how is he to defeat NATO or Xi. The Siberian oil fields are bound to look very tasty to Xi.

Lots of people have thought about or worried about it since before 2000.

Putin looking weak is a very bad look now.

Anonymous said...

Russian tanks are designed to go boom when they are breached. It is a tradeoff they are prepared to make.

Russian ammunition design and storage leaves a lot to be desired. Maybe the Russians should learn from the Israelis now that Russia has a population problem and Ivan is not so expendable as he was in the days of Stalin and the socialist swine. Russian rulers should treat Ivan better. I remember when the Us had 150 million people and Russia had much, much more. Now it is reversed. So maybe Russian designers, planners and "leaders" should think differently.

Of course having 330 million people and no plan is not much of an advantage at all. Yes, the Democrats have no plan except chart projections, economic rape, and holding political power.