Friday, February 12, 2021

Here Is The Israeli Air Force's Weapons Wish List

An Israeli F-35 Adir receives fuel from a Tennessee Air National Guard KC-135 as the aircraft makes a flight across the Atlantic Ocean on Dec, 6, 2016. (1st Lt. Erik D. Anthony/U.S. Air Force)

Eyeing Iran and its terrorist proxies in Syria and Lebanon, Israel’s Cabinet approved on Feb. 7 an Israeli Air Force request to use U.S. foreign military financing and loans to fund approximately $9 billion worth of U.S. military aircraft and weapons. 

Jerusalem’s decision initiates a process intended to culminate in the Air Force’s acquisition of new American fighter aircraft, air refuelers and helicopters. These purchases would help address vital Israeli military requirements and support efforts to maintain its qualitative military edge over any potential regional adversary. 

Under the approved plan, Israel will use both existing funding mechanisms and new loans. The former will come from annual foreign military financing Washington provided pursuant to a 2016 U.S.-Israel memorandum of understanding. 

WNU Editor: The urgent request to purchase six KC-46s takers makes me wonder if the option of launching airstrikes against Iran itself is one of the reasons behind this specific purchase.


Anonymous said...

The Saudis could refuel the Israelis.

KC 146's flying with fuel during a strike would be good misdirection. It would give the Saudis plausible deniability.

Also, because the Israelis are not known for being stupid it begs the question.

KC146 are said to be broken. Yet the Israelis want them. It begs the question. IS there a fix in the works already or the Israelis believe they can fix them?

Anonymous said...

No doubt they’d like tankers but it’s hard to believe they are required for a long range strike made for national survival. Lots of ways to be successful without getting back to your home base. Besides, there would probably be a long line of volunteers for a mission to Tehran.

Anonymous said...

"First Israeli-Saudi air force collaboration for demolishing Iran’s Abu Kamal complex"

Why are you assuming that an Israeli strike would be a "forlorn hope"?

Do you wish it to be so?

You come across that way.