Sunday, February 28, 2021

How Global Health and Wealth Has Changed Over Two Centuries


At the dawn of the 19th century, global life expectancy was only 28.5 years. 

Outbreaks, war, and famine would still kill millions of people at regular intervals. These issues are still stubbornly present in 21st century society, but broadly speaking, the situation around the world has vastly improved. Today, most of humanity lives in countries where the life expectancy is above the typical retirement age of 65. 

At the same time, while inequality remains a hot button topic within countries, income disparity between countries is slowing beginning to narrow. 

This animated visualization, created by James Eagle, tracks the evolution of health and wealth factors in countries around the world. For further exploration, Gapminder also has a fantastic interactive chart that showcases the same dataset. 

Read more .... 

WNU Editor: The above video is a fascinating look at how far we have come from in only two centuries. 

And what is the final conclusion? 

Global environmentalist warnings aside, if current trends continue this is what is expected ....

.... global life expectancy is expected to surpass the 80-year mark by 2100. And, sub-Saharan Africa, which has the lowest life expectancy today, is expected to mostly close the gap, reaching 75 years of age. 

Wealth is also expected to increase nearly across the board, with the biggest gains coming from places like Vietnam, Nigeria, and the Philippines. Some experts are projecting the world economy as a whole to double in size by 2050.


Anonymous said...

"... global life expectancy is expected to surpass the 80-year mark by 2100."

And respiratory pandemics will that much more worse

Anonymous said...

It's the other way around
Covid is a population tool