Thursday, February 4, 2021

In The Middle Of A Pandemic President Biden Says 125,000 Refugees Will Be Permitted To Enter The U.S.


 * President Joe Biden announced Thursday his intention to massively increase the cap on annual refugee admissions to the United States 
 * At the State Department, he said he would sign an executive order with the aim of 125,000 refugees coming to the U.S. in his first fiscal year 
 * Refugee admissions fell to a historical low under President Donald Trump, with the current cap sitting at 15,000 President 

Joe Biden on Thursday announced his intention to massively increase the cap on annual refugee admissions to the United States, which fell to a historical low under Donald Trump. 

In line with a campaign promise, Biden said he would set at 125,000 the cap on admissions as part of the country's refugee resettlement program, against the current 15,000.

'We offered safe havens for those fleeing violence or persecution' in previous years, when America's 'moral leadership on refugee issues' encouraged other nations to open their doors as well, Biden said. 

WNU Editor: Countries have closed their borders to try and stop the spread of new Covid-19 variants from entering their communities. But not the U.S.. 

Does this make sense? 

You tell me.


G said...

Well if I were them I would find a lake with fishing and camping and hot springs good winter gear

Anonymous said...

- You know the head honchos of Catholic and Lutheran Social Services make 6 figures.

- You know they lobby Congress and the State Department.

- You know that capping refugees to 15,000 a year put a crimp on their salaries and bonuses

There is money, a lot of money, to be made on compassion.

And of course the Democrats engage in Tammany Hall level corruption, so that is their angle.

Jac said...

Biden, moron in chief.

Anonymous said...

Quite the paycheck to be gotten from the refugee business. One of America's service industries. It's what makes America great.

Anonymous said...

Nothing makes sense in this country

Anonymous said...

Well it makes sense to restore the American image-in the eyes of Democrats who are not aware what the rest of the world thinks of them and how much the world appreciates Trump and common sense national tendencies, even if they're on the receiving end of them.

Either we have countries and nationalities and identities and cultures and belief systems and put them first, or we don't and are ruled by globalists--is what the other side,republicans, would say

In reality both can compromise on this issue. 125k isn't that much, if you compare it to the 1mn Germany let in back then, BUT the US already has maybe 20 million undocumented illegal immigrants. At one point it is just too much for integration and all aspects of living together harmoneously

But corporations and political parties benefit a lot from cheap labour and a chance for a vote.