Thursday, February 4, 2021

Is The Biden Administration Canceling Elon Musk's Space Project?


Brandon J. Weichert, Washington Times: Biden cancels Elon Musk's adventures in space 

New president is making his space policy increasingly clear: America will remain grounded for the time being 

The United States is in a titanic struggle with the People’s Republic of China for the dominance of space. 

Although the Americans have been to the moon and sent multiple, advanced probes to the surface of Mars, since the end of the Cold War, U.S. space policy has languished in neutral. Due to this, new competitors, namely China, have arisen to challenge the dominance of the Americans in the ultimate strategic high ground of space. 

Read more .... 

WNU Editor: I was surprised when I read a few days ago that the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) had ordered Mr. Musk to cancel the Starship prototype test. Developing new rockets have always resulted in failures before the design and engineering are perfected (see above video). But apparently in this case, it is the excuse to suspend it. This is also a complete reversal from the Trump administration and its policy of encouraging SpaceX to conduct their test flights. In any other country Elon Musk's space efforts would be applauded and promoted. Apparently not in the U.S. and under this administration.


RussInSoCal said...

Musk has the wrong political loyalties.

Anonymous said...

Sheer speculation as of this moment from Washington Times.

It seems more likely the cancellation came about as a result of FAA bureaucracy, and judging by Musk's own comments on the matter, that seems to be the likely scenario.

Anonymous said...

Lots of birds and other wildlife in the test area...considering this is a retread of the other admin that wouldn't bomb ISIS oil facilities for environmental get what you vote for...

Anonymous said...

Once again proving that Biden is Obama's butt boy and Obama's 3rd term.

Obama got rid of the space shuttle and started paying the Russians for space launches. But Orange Man Bad, cuz he colluded or something. Can;t point to anything like you can with Obama and his butt boy.

Now O'Biden comes along and is shelving US space launch capability again.

Joe rather likes performing as a butt boy

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

Reading through the Washington Times comments the launch went ahead a week later.

Someone commented that Space X had not filed complete paperwork. The comment is odd since the article stated:

"The FAA did not cite its reasoning behind ordering the cancellation of the launch. Many have speculated that ..."

Not giving a reason for something that is not a military secret is not the way to go. Not giving a reason leads to endless speculation.

Those FAA GS15's and SES's make the big bucks for being well educated, well informed and having the big balls to make a call and give the reason. Not to hide like a beta chimps.

Anonymous said...

Musk's Space X has shown the government up with it's development's cost and speed. And it's oh so green with it's reusability Now there's a plus. Green exhaust.

Dave Goldstein said...

If Space X can't do it here, they will do it somewhere else.
And charge Nasa twice as much after they get it working.

Anonymous said...

I hope so. I used to be a NASA fan, not anymore.

Anonymous said...

To elaborate, this remindsme of the beginning of the age of sail. In the beginning it was all government sponsored, then all of the sudden private ships were everywhere (1490-1590).

Anonymous said...

*IF* true, it's because it might have helped make the US more self-sufficient and thus less dependent on other nations. Which is also the reason the "MAGA" slogan was so hated by the globalist puppet masters

Jac said...

Shame on Sleepy Joe administration.