Thursday, February 11, 2021

Is The Head Of NATO Trying to Provoke A War With Russia?

Zero Hedge: NATO Chief Tells Ukraine "Door Remains Open" For Membership As Russia Fumes 

During a Tuesday press conference the head of NATO, Secretary-General Jens Stoltenberg, issued some hugely provocative words aimed at Russia while standing beside Ukrainian Prime Minister Denys Shmyhal at a joint press conference in Brussels. It comes after Joe Biden has vowed a tougher response to alleged Russian 'interference' in the West's affairs. 

Asked specifically to respond claims that Russia is expanding military exercises and deployments abroad in order to "distract" from the Alexei Navalny saga and protests at home, Stoltenberg said, "What I will say is we have seen a significant Russian military buildup over the last years." 

Read more .... 

WNU Editor: Ukraine's entry into NATO will be seen by the Kremlin as crossing a "red line". A "red line" that Russian President Putin has long said would result in a military response. 

So why is the head of NATO talking about Ukraine joining NATO in the near future? Why provoke the bear? 

I know one day Ukraine will be joining NATO .... but not now, and definitely not before a resolution to the war in the eastern part of the country has been resolved. 

But it looks like NATO Secretary-General Jens Stoltenberg is operating under a different agenda, and in my opinion a dangerously short-sighted one.


Anonymous said...

Red Lines have a habit of moving.

bn said...

Why would anyone fight with Nato or Russia by someone joining an Organization?

Why would Europe enter in a war with Russia or Russia with Europe

I have to say that Europe evolved alot regarding starting wars, that was the result of ww2. While Europe moved on and formed a broader net of inclusion, Russia is still living in the past.

Forget the USSR that days are gone. UKR is independent and they can choose what they want when they want. You should be pointing the finger each day that goes by that East. UKR is controled by Russians Sep

That is why the young gen is saying enough, they want to have and live a better future. Instead of arms, missiles and bombs they want jobs and a good life

Anonymous said...

NATO is a fiction. It is a play or a story board. Who will fight for NATO? Who is inspired to fight for NATO? Germany won’t fight for NATO so why should the USA? Tell me what does NATO stand for? Why should a18 year old American die for NATO?

Unknown said...

Let's provoke Russia into nuclear war!! What could possibly go wrong?? Keep ducking 🙉

fazman said...

Exactly, big bluff, put in knows he vant afford a war with nato, his bank account is a lot smaller.

Anonymous said...

Jens was literally a buck private in the Norwegian Army Now he is in charge of it. He does not have a realistic view of things.

Anonymous said...

NATO is very fixated in the past, but that been said they are supportive of Turkey. So while Russia tries to stablize Syria, by enlarge NATO is using Turkey as its front line, expanding into Libya, into Syria and into Ukraine.

Id suspect that Russia could become a NATO member, against China but i believe that NATO would rather ally itselfs with China against Russia. This will alienate the UK who has left the EU aswell as other Commonwealth States.

NATO is the military arm of the UN, it has the same basic ideology, and will tend towards absolute power and control. Yet the UK is very powerful itself with very strong ties to other powerful nations, resulting in a power struggle.

Question remains, Russia, China. Will they end up on their own side, oppersite sides? because right now, NATO will never win any conflict, not when there are powerful single states capable of taking on the entire alliance alone.

Anonymous said...

To expand further, i believe thats why Trump losing and Biden winning the last election was such a must. An independant USA that refused to back the NATO aggression would be devastating. Yet the moment the world is distracted China will pounce on Taiwan. Also expect Greece and maybe France to break away but id give it 5-10 years before a major conflict erupts from the NATO alliance with its cancel culture.