Friday, February 12, 2021

Is Nikki Haley The Future Of The Republican Party?

FILE PHOTO: U.S. Ambassador to the UN Nikki Haley (L) and U.S. President Donald Trump participate in a session on reforming the United Nations at UN Headquarters in New York, U.S., September 18, 2017. REUTERS/Kevin Lamarque/File Photo 

Tim Alberta, Politico: Nikki Haley’s Time for Choosing 

The 2024 hopeful can’t decide who she wants to be—the leader of a post-Trump GOP or a “friend” to the president who tried to sabotage democracy. 

 KIAWAH ISLAND, S.C. – Late last year, Nikki Haley had a friend who was going through a hard time. He had lost his job and was being evicted from his house. He was getting bad advice from bad people who were filling his head with self-destructive fantasies. He seemed to be losing touch with reality. Out of concern, Haley called the man. “I want to make sure you’re okay,” she told him. “You’re my president, but you’re also my friend.” 

Read more .... 

WNU Editor: She is not the future of the Republican Party. For one. She just lost the base of the party who overwhelmingly supported President trump in the 2020 election by saying this .... Nikki Haley Pronounces Trump Politically Dead: He ‘Let Us Down,’ Can’t ‘Let That Ever Happen Again’ (Mediaite). 

At best she will be a part of the party. At the worse .... she will on the outside always criticizing those on the inside.


Anonymous said...

Haley is as ambitious as Lucifer but will never be president. She is another puppet neocon.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

LOL...I guess she forgot to mention that to Politico

Anonymous said...

Nikki is an adulterer. Big whup. It seems that 30% or so of people are. It is not perfect to be an adulterer, but I would not want to start limiting voting options so fast that you winnow your options so much that they can be gamed.

But whereas adulterer can be forgiven and the sin softened, the same sin, the same act, will be magnified, when coupled with other sins such as being anti-Trump.

She will never be president.

RussInSoCal said...

Nikki Haley is Dem light. Governor Ron DeSantis is the future of the Republican Party.

Anonymous said...

The GOP has a dim future. The party will either be split into two factions or the non-Trump faction will quit and form a new party or vote independent.

Anonymous said...

The future for conservatives is very bright.

The Never Trumpers played their hand an exposed themselves. Some Never Trumpers might have done it literally like Weaver.

Without the dead load of the stab you in the back Schmidts and Weavers, the Republican Party might get bored of winning.