Tuesday, February 9, 2021

Number Of Newborns In China Have Dropped 15% In 2020

The number of registered births in China dropped by nearly a third in 2020 NOEL CELIS AFP/File 

Hong Kong (CNN)The number of newborns registered with the government in China dropped almost 15% last year, amid widespread concern over falling birthrates in the world's most populous country. 

According to figures published by the Ministry of Public Security this week, there were 10.03 million new babies registered in 2020, compared to 11.79 million the year before -- a decrease of 14.9%. 

The news comes as last year, China recorded the lowest birthrate since the People's Republic was founded in 1949. 

China's demographic issues could pose serious issues for the world's second-largest economy when the current working-age population reaches retirement. 

Experts worry if the trend continues, or the population begins shrinking, China may get old before it gets rich. 

Read more .... 

WNU Editor: Chinese state media is raising alarm bells .... 10 million newborns registered in China in 2020, falling below warning level, experts warn (Global Times). As to what is my take. I noticed this ten years ago. Social norms in China are changing to smaller families and/or no kid at all.


Anonymous said...

There are trained economists that would read this blog, but they sure as Hell would never comment. You have to speak and reason as they do to engage them in conversation. This I have learned.

There is or was this divorced economist from Las Vegas. He commented a few times of 3 weeks about current events on a news site. Then he got bored or something and moved on.

He recommend that I read a Federal Reserve report on family size and economics. Bottom line if you fuck over people economically by making them run a continual rat race, they tend to have fewer or no kids.

People have to have agency. You cannot take away all their money away and give it back as programs "to help".

Crusader said...

Fewer children equal more money which equals less need to have extended family around which means more time to focus on career and social mobility.
I have three neighbours who are Chinese couples.
All three have one child.
When I question them on having another they baulk at the idea.
They like their freedoms. And cash. They see how much the little things cost - and the hassle of raising them in cramped apartments.
I ask them about the CCP raising the limit of children. They all shake their heads and laugh.

Anonymous said...

Best thing for a Chinese woman after having her culturally mandated son is to have a daughter. They don't think about it. Then 10 years later they have a shopping buddy.

50% of kids are a 'mistake'. Some mistakes can be good.

Anonymous said...

WNU just wait after you see the drop in the West amid covid and vaccine issues

The World will have 2bn less people in 10 years WITHOUT wars. 200mn are expected to die by 2025 just due to food shortages thanks to covid/lockdown economic impact .. on top the Virus and the vaccines are suspected to decrease fertility. We are talking serious depopulation. And the WHO just said nothing to see here and that the virus came from a food market lol

Wow.what a food market virus that is. But if the WHO says so, that's good enough for me.

2bn dead. About 30-50 trillion economic damages WHILE our rights are taken away and the largest wealth transfer in human history takes place.

Not from the Wuhan lab.

From a food market.

Not gain of function research.

Food market.

They tell you this WHILE your tax money pays their salaries (well part of it. .the rest is paid by Other interest groups so they keep their mouths shut )

We need to free ourselves of these people.

They killed 2bn
Destroyed economies
Traumatised a generation
Then pissed on you and your rights abs told you it's raining.

The same people that bring you CNN abs these other things that are good for humanity and society and your country

And then they call you extremist.


Not the scientists who did gain of function research.

Not the governments and military industrial complex and pharmaceutical groups that funded this and then lied about the leak

YOU are the villain, get it?


What a World we live in