Wednesday, February 10, 2021

President Biden Announces A New Defense Department Task Force To Assess The U.S. Military’s China Strategy


 * President Joe Biden announced on Wednesday a new Defense Department task force aimed at assessing the U.S. military’s China strategy. 
 * “That’s how we’ll meet the China challenge and ensure the American people win the competition in the future,” Biden said in his first visit as commander in chief to the Pentagon. 
 * Biden on Wednesday punted on a question about whether the U.S. would hold China accountable over the Covid-19 outbreak. 

WASHINGTON – President Joe Biden announced Wednesday a new Defense Department task force aimed at assessing the U.S. military’s China strategy. 

“That’s how we’ll meet the China challenge and ensure the American people win the competition in the future,” Biden said in his first visit as commander in chief to the Pentagon. 

The new Pentagon group, made up of approximately 15 experts, will be responsible for providing recommendations on China-related matters to Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin. 

Findings and recommendations are due within four months.

 More News On President Biden Announcing A New Defense Department Task Force To Assess The U.S. Military’s China Strategy 

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

"Findings and recommendations are due within four months."

So does the public get to see the plan on June 31st?

How does the military defend shit, when China is in 5G and our power grid in the era of cyber warfare and the NBA is enthralled to China along with its stars and billionaires?