Wednesday, February 3, 2021

President Biden Demands Putin 'Unconditionally Release' Russian Opposition Leader Alexei Navalny

White House press secretary Jen Psaki on Tuesday called for the unconditional release of Russian opposition leader Alexei Navalny 

 * More than two hundred of his supporters were hauled away by riot police outside the Moscow court after his arrest last month sparked protests by tens of thousands across Russia and a massive crackdown  
 * Navalny, 44, a staunch critic of Vladimir Putin , was arrested on his return from Germany, where he spent five months recovering from Novichok poisoning which he blames on the Kremlin. Russia denies the claim 
 * He faces jail for violating probation terms set down in a 2014 suspended sentence for money-laundering - a conviction which he rejects as politically motivated 
 * Prosecutors allege that Navalny failed to register his whereabouts with the relevant authorities following his release from the hospital in Berlin last year. His defence argues that he was unable to register in person 

The White House and Statement Department called for the unconditional release of Russian opposition leader Alexei Navalny after he was sentenced to two-and-a-half years in prison Tuesday. 

White House press secretary Jen Psaki read a statement condemning the latest developments in Moscow from the White House podium when asked about the latest development, as state security forces continued to crack down on protests.

Following the sentence, Navalny's allies called for a protest in Moscow's Manezhnaya Square. Riot police have been photographed dragging journalists and protesters away from locations in the capital. 

Read more .... 

WNU Editor: The Kremlin is telling everyone to back-off.


fazman said...

Biden is not dealing with some banana Republic like Haiti, stfu and mind your business.

Anonymous said...

China Joe got through law school. He has or had an IQ between 100 and 140. Joe knows what is being said on his behalf is bullshit. No one outside of the US is believing what the Joe or his spox says. This was for domestic consumption and it is wearing damn thin at that.

After the stolen election less than half of the people believe it. It is trending to a 3rd if not already there.

If people are not vocal it is because they do not want to get doxed, hassled, or canceled. If the economy rebounds a little, so so or a lot, it is because people do not go without. They are spring back like a tree or a bush cut down to the ground. It is not due great Washington grifter policies, where the nobles charge their handling fees.

Anonymous said...

The election was stolen.

Anonymous said...

Vickers on how to fight the 1979 Afghan War:

The key to success, he said, rested in the mix of weapons.” No one weapon was or could be a silver bullet. A similar thing could be done with stealing elections.

I believe that the election was stolen by a mix of methods. The benefit of such a is that the level of votes to be stolen is met, but no one method is enough “to change” the election. So, a judge can safely utter the words that it would not make a difference. Also, the number of methods makes it hard to discern where to start first in investigating.

Here is a definition of a tractable problem.
In NP-complete problem So-called easy, or tractable, problems can be solved by computer algorithms that run in polynomial time …

Basically, a tractable problem can be solved. An intractable problem cannot be solved. And you will be told that if you have too many constraints, a problem becomes intractable.

In the real world of voting and investigating vote fraud, setting a constraint of 3 weeks or 2 months at the most makes definitively concluding a vote fraud investigation impossible give the speed that the courts operate. That is, it makes the problem (investigating vote fraud) intractable.

So, you can scream in ALL CAPS or bold all you want, but given my knowledge of how constraints (in this case time for one) in making problems solvable or insolvable, you not move me one inch form my conviction.

You can scream while posting under several sock puppets. Rush Limbaugh once looked into a boycott campaign against him in the 1990’s before then internet was big. He found out what appeared to be thousands of people complaining to show sponsors were in fact a dozen retirees for academia sitting in their dirty underwear in their basements. I am not impressed by your sock puppets or by an entire faction of political hacks. The boycott failed and Rush is still around. He did not name the academics, but he should have.
Rush might have not named names, but given Russian FSB in American social media in in 2016 and Chinese one in 2020, why should we not? How many are paid posters by American nonprofits? Or just know nothing sociopaths?

PS: If you actually won, you would not have had to shred ballots inside of 2 months in Georgia. Most states have a record retention of 6 months or longer for voting records. That right there tells you that the theft was massive. On this specific fact I know you will not substantially answer. You can’t and you won’t.

Anonymous said...

Why is Biden interfering in the internal affairs of Russia? Would Biden want Russia to interfere in the internal affairs of the USA? Biden and the Democrats should be laughing stocks, but since they are backed by the full forces of a corrupt media and a corrupt university and educational system, they in face are as dangerous to the world as China is.

Anonymous said...

Massive Voting Fraud USA Election 2012

Massive Voting Fraud USA Election 2012

Bev Harris talks about the Massive black box voting fraud seen in the 2012 Presidential Election.Harris is a writer,activist,founder of Black Box Voting inc a national nonpartisan, nonprofit elections watchdog group. She is the author of Black Box Voting and her investigative journalism has appeared in both the alternative and mainstream media.

Anonymous said...


Amp1776 said...

Meanwhile Biden prosecutes his opposition at home.

G said...

hell hell is 4 hell u fools

K said...


Anonymous said...

"I think backwards from how they would prosecute, if they could, and then try to build out the method to avoid that."

For this scheme, the ineligible voters would drive cars instead of ride buses.

"You can prove conspiracy if there's a bus," Foval said. "If there are cars, it's much harder to prove."

Chase jones said...
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