Tuesday, February 2, 2021

President Biden's Press Office Wants White House Reporter's Questions in Advance

White House press secretary Jen Psaki speaks during a press briefing at the White House, Monday, Jan. 25, 2021, in Washington. (AP Photo/Evan Vucci) 

 * Reporters recently complained about White House press staff asking for questions ahead of time. 
 * Doing so would give the appearance reporters are working with the administration. 
 * The White House didn't deny the allegation and said it was a normal part of running a press office.

On her first day in office, the White House press secretary, Jen Psaki, pledged to bring "truth and transparency back to the briefing room," saying she had a "deep respect for the role of a free and independent press." 

But less than two weeks into President Joe Biden's administration, reporters are raising concerns about White House press office staffers trying to get them to give advance notice on which questions they plan to ask at briefings, The Daily Beast reported. 

Read more .... 

WNU Editor: I miss those regular scrums between President Trump and the press corps when he was always going and/or leaving Marine One. 

Not going to happen in this White House.


Anonymous said...

Democrats want and need a cakewalk.

Anonymous said...

Biden Approval Index: This Sure Doesn't Look Like the Mandate Democrats Think They Have

"The pollster has used a consistent methodology since 2008, and polls likely voters who have demonstrated they participate in elections."

3 important poll internals

1) Consistent methodology
2) Poll likely voters
3) Properly weight random sample.

Old Joe is underwater and walking into the deep end.

Soon the human autopen will be replaced by she, who climbed to power through the boudoir.

Anonymous said...

Anyone citing Rasmussen is automatically pro-right-wing and if you do not believe that then compare with ALL THE OTHER POLLS ON THE TOPIC!
Exec orders: they began to get huge when the top refused to do anything proposed by the Dems. Then, when Trump came in, he passed so many and had no need to since he controlled Senate and the white house.
My view: exec orders are the questionable way to conduct the affairs of a nation since reversing them with each new administration can do nothing but cause chaos.
Trump passed a bunch. The GOP wretched (under Trump) treaties etc and so quick fixing needed. Do you not like this? Win the next election

Anonymous said...

What is wrong with questions in advance? they can then be answered in full and with care...how many news conferences did orange blog have?
he answered sometimes with insults or meaningless bs and usually with huge lies...we still wait for his outstanding health plan like the world has never seen before

RussInSoCal said...

4:45 PM

The questions this admin gets from the main stream press corps are laughable soft balls.

I haven't heard one question on where Biden is on the Chicago school opening situation, no questions on what the policy will be on China, no questions on the logic of shutting the Keystone pipeline, no questions on the admin's Iranian policy.

No nothing. Nothing of substance.

When this frightened woman gets anything close to a real question, she dodges, obfuscates and wanders aimlessly in search of an intelligent thought. (unsuccessfully)

The press were 100% combative and insulting toward Trump. He gave every honest question an honest answer and tossed the idiotic ones right back in their faces.

That press office certainly didn't whine and demand a list of questions before a presser.

This is a weak statement from a weak administration.

The US does not have a free press. We have a leftist lapdog propaganda organ.

Anonymous said...

Leftwing Fred Troll threatens people by throwing around accusation of being rightwing.

Maybe troll people know about which pollster are good and which are bad from their professional knowledge of statistics. Knowledge which you not only do not possess, but that you eschew.

Maybe people who would consider Rassmussen as reliable are normal, middle of the road and independent thinkers, while you are a a radical left wing socialist and/or paid troll?

Unless you assumed someone's persona, you have been against any media and anyone, who did not fastidiuosly consume left of center news for 4 years.

Anonymous said...

I'm so happy the current administration is protecting me from meanies. There's more and more of them out there anymore and we voters need help.

Anonymous said...

Three months later and you losers still can't get over it. It's reconciliation time. Deal with it.

RussInSoCal said...

6:21 PM

Joe Biden is an illegitimate president, elected by a fraudulent, gamed election. A targeted mass ballot-harvesting scheme accomplished by the use of several trucks, in four or five states, carrying hundreds of thousands of marked ballots and deposited into the precincts of WI, MI, PA, GA and likely AZ.

All were precincts where ballot counts were stopped for no reason and where Trump was was ahead by far margins.

And if you think that we will believe the same liars who repeatedly pushed the Russian collusion hoax for four years - and who now berate and destroy anyone who disagrees with the new lie; That this was a fair election - you are mistaken.

And if you leftists had the courage of your convictions, you wouldn't freak out every time some one says it - And I'll repeat it: Biden is an illegitimate president, installed fraudulently. Nothing can change that.



Anonymous said...

Maybe we are talking to Fred and maybe Fred is that stupid. Maybe someone is using his name. The way I figure it there are 6 or so trolls here divvied up between freelancers and various entities.

James said...


Anonymous said...

Hey Russ, 81>74. I'm freaking out and such.

Anonymous said...

7:20 is a NAZI

RussInSoCal said...

Hey 7:20 PM

If you believe that I got a four year Russian collusion hoax to sell you.

Oh wait. You already bought that.