Monday, February 8, 2021

Russia’s Only Aircraft Carrier The Admiral Kuznetsov Is Armed To The Teeth

Admiral Kuznetsov in the waters south of Italy with USS Deyo, foreground, steaming off her port side. 

Russia’s only aircraft carrier, the Admiral Kuznetsov, is perhaps best known for the myriad misfortunes and problems to have befallen the Soviet behemoth, leading some to call it a sort of cursed ship — and for good reason.

Admiral Kuznetsov: A Troubled History

In 2017, Admiral Kuznetsov made a combat deployment to Syria. En route to the Middle East, the large carrier transitioned through the English Channel, where it was seen spewing out thick black smoke from its smokestack. Some suggested that the carrier would be more of a threat to the environment than to enemy combatants.

 A year later, the Admiral Kuznetsov suffered damage to its hull, when the dry dock it was berthed in sank to the ocean floor. During the course of the dock sinking, a large crane struck the side of the aircraft carrier, carving a large hole in the Admiral Kuznetsov’s side. 

WNU Editor: The Admiral Kuznetsov is armed to the teeth. But it is also old and near the end of its lifespan, and (quite frankly) needs to be scrapped.

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