Wednesday, February 17, 2021

Talk Show Host Rush Limbaugh Has Passed Away From Lung Cancer

Limbaugh Show/Youtube Rush Limbaugh 

WNU Editor: He will be sorely missed.


Anonymous said...

Never listened but appreciated his efforts. Disappointing and especially so when the substitutes are considered.

RussInSoCal said...

Godspeed, old friend...



Anonymous said...

Mark Stein is the best replacement in my opinion.

Here is my list of the best in no particular order:

1. Gordon Liddy (age 90)
2. Walter E Williams
3. Jerry Doyle
4. Rush Limbaugh
5. Mark Stein

I actually thought Walter E. Williams was better for awhile. When Walter would sub for Rush during Christmas was a real treat. Walter lost some of the fire in his belly and ebullience when his wife passed and he got older, but what can you do? Nothing except go on.

Glenn Beck can have really good shows. Sometimes he has good shows, when he is actually there. Glenn runs a good outfit, but I think Pat and Stu do a better show without el Jefe. Glenn and staff do a lot a research and those shows are not to be missed.

Mark Levin has some of the magic.

The problem for liberals is that Rush helped built up a deep bench of talk show hosts and got them national attention by having them guest host.

Anonymous said...

Good guy, rest in peace

War News Updates Editor said...

I started to listen to talk radio about 10 - 12 years ago.

When I was stuck working at home, in the background I was in heaven with Rush, followed by Jerry Doyle, and then Dr. Savage.

Three different radio hosts with their own style and take on the world.

For me. That was the golden period for talk radio.

Anonymous said...

Hey, ghost of Rush, Louis Farrakhan is still alive and kicking!


Anonymous said...

Not any classier

Amp1776 said...

Godspeed Rush.

Anonymous said...