Friday, February 5, 2021

Time Magazine: This Is How The 2020 U.S. Presidential Election Was 'Fixed'

Biden fans in Philadelphia after the race was called on Nov. 7 Michelle Gustafson for TIME 

A weird thing happened right after the Nov. 3 election: nothing. 

The nation was braced for chaos. Liberal groups had vowed to take to the streets, planning hundreds of protests across the country. Right-wing militias were girding for battle. In a poll before Election Day, 75% of Americans voiced concern about violence. 

Instead, an eerie quiet descended. As President Trump refused to concede, the response was not mass action but crickets. When media organizations called the race for Joe Biden on Nov. 7, jubilation broke out instead, as people thronged cities across the U.S. to celebrate the democratic process that resulted in Trump’s ouster. 

WNU Editor: They are no longer hiding and/or denying how the 2020 US Presidential election was fixed. These powerful people are now bragging about it.


Anonymous said...

Something sho0uld have happened by now with all those corruption and arrogance.

In chemistry you learn about supersaturated solutions, where chemicals that should have precipitated out at a given pressure, temperature, and concentration are still in solution.

Then the chemistry teacher throws in a contaminant, a speck, and everything crystalizes all at once.

So many arrogant people good or good at one time at one thing, thinking they can run everyone's lives and that it is their birthright.

I was using the term Banana Republic back in August, because a person like Trump, who is not part of the many political party in the US faces such headwinds. It is always uphill. So I dud not have great hope that he would win. I figured 30% or 40% chance given the cheating.

*I figured they could manufacture 20 to 50 thousands votes in a state. I never figured they w9oudl manufacture 20 to 50 thousand votes in each of 7 states not cheat in a few states by a a few to several hundred thousand. I am shocked.

I want the world to be a good place. In need to the word to be a good place. I sort of believed that the world was closer to The End Of History And The Last Man By Francis Fukuyama than not. It looked that way in 1991 and for awhile thereafter (about a decade). I married a fucking communist in that they grew up in a communist country. They are not really communist although their parent(s) literally were card carrying communist. I like that the "are" communist. They are and are not 'real' communist as opposed to fantasy communism taught in universities in the West and espoused my power hungry misers.
They are also nonwhite. So I really resent the liberals, Leftists, progressives or democrats that are always accusing non Democrats and whites of being xenophobic and all the other slurs they use to defenestrate other political parties.

There is going to be a serious comeuppance and in many cases not because people necessarily want to fight, but because the Left is pushing people there in that ground. An example is Twitter. They argue that they are an utility and then exercise editorial control. It is the same 2 faced dishonesty that they sued wit social security. They called it a benefit to sell it until it came to SCOTUS and then they said it was a tax. Ditto Obamacare. So people build their own Twitter and they go about deplatforming it.

Leftists are so bold they are destroying Title IX. So yes they are pushing people onto ground the Sun would know about.

Anonymous said...

Butthurt. SAD.

Daniel said...

Well, it was rigged to work as it is supposed to. Not unlike the Biden primary in intent, I'd say (make it work as it's supposed to, because making it work as it's supposed to is expected to yield the desired results). That said, if your political system needs this much rigging to work, that's pretty damned eloquent. I have to wonder about the viability of democracy in the 21st century - its epidemic-like spread in the 20th may have been an anomaly.

Anonymous said...

They escaped totalitarianism twice, only to see it again in America

You can escape communism and fascism, only to meet it in the US, where it is practised by Democrats.

Anonymous said...

Well the very rich and powerful know they're caught and they use the Time magazine as framing device to make them look good.

They know they are caught
They now position themselves as heroes

It will not work

Anonymous said...



Blackdog said...

The editor is crazy to frame it as he has. Please read the article. People across the isles fought to protect the institutions. It is “ fixing” the damage that was done by people trying to destroy the democratic system in America. Read the article!

Anonymous said...

Election court cases are still being heard.

Some elections have not been decided after 3 months and it is because very powerful Democrats want it that way.

marc Elias comes to mind.

America is so much worse than Canada and Europe, when t comes to election integrity.

Blackdog said...

effort dedicated not to winning the vote but to ensuring it would be free and fair, credible and uncorrupted. For more than a year, a loosely organized coalition of operatives scrambled to shore up America’s institutions as they came under simultaneous attack from a remorseless pandemic and an autocratically inclined President.

Anonymous said...

WNU, go stew in the chalet and kindly STFU about the election.

Anonymous said...

Well we have a censor. Anything else you don't like? Since you're a self appointed expert.

Blackdog said...

This was pulled right from the article. The editor want you to think that “fixing” is like what you would do to fix a basketball or football game. No, this article isn’t about that at all.

Anonymous said...

No, regardless of intentions fixing is fixing and it's wrong. To self appoint, to say your intentions are pure is no excuse, can never be an excuse ever.

Anonymous said...


It is about what you say and more. For one it is about a massive and I mean a massive propaganda effort. Many people in New Mexico and unions are shocked that they are getting shafted after voting for Joe Biden.

What was done in social media is criminal. Conviction depends on the lawyers not the morality. What was done in social media is and was illegal from the 230 angle and from the FEC angle.

Anonymous said...

Low information voters...

Blackdog said...

That’s silly anon. Do you allow the other side with their intentions to “fix” the election their way? Because if you believe in the facts there was a very concerned effort to discredit this election. What is now know as the “big lie”.

Anonymous said...

Still no, fixing an election is wrong. You may stop someone else from fixing an election but not by "fixing" the election yourself. As far as facts are concerned just who is pronouncing these things as facts and what authority do they cite? Perhaps the people who "fixed" this election did it for the best reasons but that doesn't justify " fixing" an election.

anon said...

No one is ever going to STFU about the election. It was a historical moment. It will go down in the books as one giant shit on democracy. A discrace.

Anonymous said...

Democracy won. states no matter red or blue announced electoral college votes; popular votes counted. There was no doubt as to winner and those who assert otherwise are dopes and conspiracy fools and trump followers.
Think otherwise. present solid evidence that will stand up in court

Anonymous said...

running dog.

Democracy Lost. Depending on how many battles are fought in the near future, we can probably say that Democracy died

You do not keep counting votes received after lection day.,

You do not process incomplete or damage ballots like they did.

You do not have an ballot adjudication rate as high as they did.

You do not have local vote administrators, judges and others change election law on the fly. Legislators determine election law.

"Pennsylvania secretary of state to resign amid ballot error"

You do not have sue and settle lawmaking. The Georgia Secretary of State did that. If you are going to have sue and settle law making why elect anybody?

Anonymous said...

Typical Lapides, makes all kinds of allegations, but demands evidence from others. Keep trying Lapides, nobody believes you.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

"Pennsylvania secretary of state to resign amid ballot error"

Is a headline to a news story. It is not an allegation.

Polls were kept open to count ballots received after election day. That also is not an allegation.

Anonymous said...

nobody believes him?
who now occupies the reich chancelery?
who dumps shit here but no evidence that Hindenburg won?
who has gone to court over and over and lost when trying to overturn elections?
Court cases still pending ...

Cleaning toilets is a necessary job for any group of people larger than a hunter gatherer group

9:53, we know you never did anything for society that was a net positive.



Anonymous said...

"Pennsylvania secretary of state to resign amid ballot error"

We'll be picking up debris form the liberal caused carnage for 3 generations.

Anonymous said...

Pennsylvania secretary of state to resign amid ballot error


Anonymous said...

DD 214 liar.

Anonymous said...

anon: you are lou dobbs butt boy
what the shit have you ever done but piss your pants and insult your betters. since you do not know me how do you know what I have or have not done? see? fucking low IQ moron you are
you are scum...that is your DNA

Anonymous said...

Actually I trust Lou Dobbs. But I have not watched him since seeing him on the cafeteria TV back in 2006.

You keep thinking that if you disparage or cancel this or that person on TV, on radio or in the press, you can silence all opposition.

Truth be told besides being so many voice, a lot of the opposition is autochthonous. People learn that the shit your peddling won't work from their life experiences and the body of knowledge they learn at work.

You will never win. Ever.

You can only temporarily prevail.

Anonymous said...

Wriggle, wriggle,wriggle. Lololololololo

Anonymous said...

You're absolutely right! But watch'em wriggle!

Anonymous said...

This stealing of the election is even bigger than 3 steel frame buildings falling from fire on the same day. Steel frame buildings do not do this in any fire. Building 7 was not even hit with a plane but fell anyway.
These are most likely the same people who orchestrated 911. The media acts exactly the same Now as Then. Only One Truth can be told by the media. Every one else is shut down.

Think on that and see the last days of the Free US in the making. And to think that the younger generation had no balls to do a D! thing.

Flat out amazingly sad.

Before you post about this GO F Yourself. You are seeing what Fascism is really like. Merging of Corp and state. That's US in this current sad shithole of a place to be in History.

Sure. We all know lol how Biden Won. You have stuck a knife in America and I hope you all like the result.

Anonymous said...

Our editor has seriously misread the artoc;e!!!
Fix in this context means that a number of direverse groups (big business and labor etc came together to ensure that the election results were as they were meant to be and NOT overturned by Trump and his gang. HereP:
The handshake between business and labor was just one component of a vast, cross-partisan campaign to protect the election–an extraordinary shadow effort dedicated not to winning the vote but to ensure it would be free and fair, credible and uncorrupted. For more than a year, a loosely organized coalition of operatives scrambled to shore up America’s institutions as they came under simultaneous attack from a remorseless pandemic and an autocratically inclined President.

Fix is perhaps an inappropriate word to have used. But NO. The election was not rigged. Trump claimed it was and his claims have been systematically thrown out of court; the electors in all 50 states have certified Briden as the winner.

Anonymous said...

Perhaps an English PhD could tell us what the word " artoc;e " means?