Sunday, February 14, 2021

Tweets OF The Day


Anonymous said...

I expected more vinegar and spit form the usual suspects. They must b e in shock or they have not yet received their TPM via fax/email. So commenting has been quiet. Of course they will take this comment as a challenge and over item regain their composure.

I do not take the vote as bipartisan. What does a bipartisan vote look like in terms of percentage?

Seven Republicans or 28% of all Republican senators voted to convict. I bifurcate the senators into two groups the squishes and the WTH.

Three of the Republicans are squishes.
If Olympia Snow had been among TWD predicting her vote would have been as easy as predicting Collins' vote. Snow and Collin are well known squished going back to the 1990s.
Romney might be a shock to people who are not political junkies, but once they are read in, they are not surprised at his. Aesop's fable of the "Fox and the Sour Grapes" describes Romney to a "t". He applied to Trump for a high profile ambassadorial job and did not get it. He applied for a job from Trump, did not get it , and we are suppose to be shocked when he comes out against Trump?
Murkowski has been off the reservation quite a bit. She thinks very highly of herself although she is a princess and never had to do things for herself. She is spoiled. Her daddy literally gave her a senate seat. Her holier than thou attitude is grating. She is no surprise.

That leaves the other four. I will have to read up on Toomey. Is he backsliding like Crowley or a supreme court judge. Sasse's thought processes I will try to understand by going back channel. The other two senators are not so much shocking as I think cold feet. The Democrats used a lot of political capital both a politicians and press. I think these 4 people were trying to read the oracle bones and trying to figure which way to jump.

Anonymous said...


The other two senators are not so much shocking as I think they got cold feet. The Democrats used a lot of political capital both, politicians and press. I think these 4 people were trying to read the oracle bones and trying to figure which way to jump.

Anonymous said...

Mitch sums up the new GOP
Trump is both guilty and not guilty

Anonymous said...

Trump's heaping list of legal problems post-impeachment

Anonymous said...

Fred (or his DOPPLEGANGER) could you please explain why you camp Trump and follow him continuously to see if he so much as jay walks?

Do you a wanna be 3rd grader understand what a LLC or other legal entities are? Do you understand that Trump has corporate lawyers and accountants Those people are not going to sign just anything. Those people are not be stampeded by the NY state lawyers. Get your hopes up for the court case. Be prepared for the let down.

You have been trying to stampede various political opponents off of buffalo jumps for awhile now and still it has not worked. You had to cheat in state after state at the polls, because the sycophant press was not enough.

You pin your hopes on the so called Republican leader McConnell. He has a lot of nicknames. You might consider his nicknames such as "The Turtle" and lack his wife having to stand up to professional liberal hecklers at a restaurant.

Mitch will not be majority leader 2 years from now and he does not deserve to be. You should be looking at the efforts of state and county Republican parties condemning Republicans, who are yellow.

You keep trying to stampede Republicans and it is not working. Perhaps you should try changing your tactics. In your case you could try to grow a brain.

We are developing our own press, email services, and social media platform despite the breaking of contracts. Soon we will develop our own banks. We have to do this, because in many cases you have not developed a company, but you have taken over companies from within.

But these businesses are being developed and any leverage liberals have is waning.

Then there are your problems. Twitter was only profitable starting in 2018 or 2019 Now in 2020 it was unprofitable again and that was before Trump and his followers were deplatformed. A business can be only carried so long. New investors can keep floating a business, but when they are given shares it dilutes the equity of previous investors. I hope Jack Dorsey loves going broke due to issuing new stock offerings. At some point the PE ration is going to absolutely suck balls.

If Twitter goes, look for Zuckerberg to start sweating. Unlike Jack, Zuckerbeg has a better half that will absolutely whip him. So look for Zucker to leave the reservation.

This is December 1942. You are losing. You just do not know it yet.

Anonymous said...



Anonymous said...

Yes you are sad.

Anonymous said...


Learning programming in the early days, we learned about Babbage and voting machines of the 1880s. What Id not understand is why Dominion machines can cast fractional votes and assigning votes from one candidate to another. Except if you want to cheat.

We are finding more and more of that.

Vegas odds are that Biden is not going to finish his term. Age is not the only reason.

Why is that.

Anonymous said...

It's Not Who Votes That Counts, It's Who Counts The Votes