Thursday, February 4, 2021

Tweets Of The Day

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

"China promotes education drive to make boys more 'manly'"

I have noted that TV in China looks upbeat. It looks positive. It looks 40's or 50's. It has the positive ebullience of the 90's.

Sure there are people in China silently fuming and who don't buy it. People in China are less disaffected than in the US. I do not live there and I could be wrong. In the US the 'authorities; are willing to have over half the US population disaffected and they are going to start to try to fix it by locking some up and impoverishing others to try to improve morale. My estimate is that 5/8ths to 7/8ths of Americans are disaffected.

They do not have any LGTBQIA+ political offensives tearing up the landscape in China. I do wonder about crowing and the 20% mental illness rate in a recent report. I think that is a real thing and is intrinsic to nature with respect to resources and musical chairs.